A few beginner bike questions.

minichamp31 Posts: 6
edited June 2011 in Road beginners
Hey guys,
I'm looking into getting a road bike. I race and ride BMX, and I figure good training for racing would be to get one. I've been searching on craigslist, as I can not afford something brand new. I'm not looking for anything top of the line, just something to get me started in the road game. I was looking at a Quintana Roo triathlon bike, but that fell through. Now I found a 2007 GT Legato 4.0 for $300 and it's looks decent. My main question is, can I put drop bars on it easily and cost efficiently, due to it coming with flat bars? I also found a Fuji Newest 4.0 for $350 and a 2001 GT Rage for $175. I feel like the GT Rage would be the ideal thing, but I couldn't find many reviews on it. What would you suggest? Thank you in advance for the help.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hi mate.

    I would get a road bike rather than a tri bike due to the position and a lot of groups do not allow you to ride with aero bars.

    Changing from flat to drop bars is actually quite expensive due to the cost of the shifters.

    What size are you btw?
  • I am about 5'9". I also found an '06 Bianchi Brava listed for $350 with a 55cm frame. And thank you for answering the drop bar question as I had no idea.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Yeah, 55cm top tube should be right for you.

    Have a good look on eBay, some bargains can be had!
  • I was looking on ebay, and there sure are some great deals. The problem is that I would like to be able to ride around on the bike a little first, and that can't be done if it's being shipped from 1000 miles away. Especially since I've never ridden a road bike whatsoever. I've been finding some good deals on craigslist as well. I'm searching the six or seven surrounding areas to try to find something reasonable. How do you feel about that Bianchi Brava? Good first road bike? TIA.

    Edit: I think I'm going to offer the seller $300 for the Bianchi, and if he'll take it, I'll have a road bike by next week. Thoughts?
  • What sort of budget are you looking at?
  • Trying to find something under the $400 mark. I'm not making much at my dishwasher/salad making job, so I'm trying to find something relatively cheap. I offered the guy $300 for the Bianchi, I'll see what he says.
  • The guy said he would take $300, and the bike has only about 50 miles on it. He said he'll throw in a bike rack too if I need it. I'm going to down and look at it either Thursday or sometime next week.