Crispybug Posts: 58
edited June 2011 in Road beginners
Went out for a two hours spin this morning, rode all along Southend seafront into the teeth of a 20 MPH headwind which, let's be frank, really kicks the enjoyment out of a ride. So I decided to turn straight around and go back in the opposite direction with the wind at my back. Managed to hit 35.5 MPH which is the fastest speed I've ever done on the flat.

WOW!!! What a rush!!
Mad as a box of badgers


  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    Nice one, riding with the wind is always great. Next time try and throw in a down hill section with it!
  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    My ride today was out into the wind, and with the wind behind me on the way back. I just sat there and kept pedalling, and thinking, "This is going to be so much fun when I reach the turn point!"
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Top one! If only you could always have the wind behind.

    Not too bad around here... only 12mph - which is a lot less than it has been!
  • raymondo60
    raymondo60 Posts: 735
    S'funny 'cause I had a headwind on the way out AND on the way home today! What figures?????

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • luv2ride
    luv2ride Posts: 2,367
    Tail wind out this morning, but horrible, just horrible head wind all way back. Had to get back for Fathers Day lunch so proper flogged myself to get home, grimacing most of the way much to the delight of passing motorists who thought this hilarious!

    Just looked out the window - slight breeze and wall to wall sunshine - bloody typical?! :cry:
    Titus Silk Road Ti rigid 29er - Scott Solace 10 disc - Kinesis Crosslight Pro6 disc - Scott CR1 SL - Pinnacle Arkose X 650b - Pinnacle Arkose singlespeed - Specialized Singlecross...& an Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 4 string...
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,544
    Luv2ride wrote:
    Tail wind out this morning, but horrible, just horrible head wind all way back. Had to get back for Fathers Day lunch so proper flogged myself to get home, grimacing most of the way much to the delight of passing motorists who thought this hilarious!

    Just looked out the window - slight breeze and wall to wall sunshine - bloody typical?! :cry:


    morning cold, cloud, wind, even some rain, it's june ffs

    when i were lad, june meant sun, hot, phew what a scorcher, etc.

    bloody typical, sums it up
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    I rode up the Keighley Road from Hebden Bridge in early spring. It is a 4.5 mile hill averaging about 5% gradient. When I got up to the open moor, the tailwind was so strong that I was able to sprint up the hill at 25-30 mph. For a couple of minutes, I knew what great climbers feel like! 8)

    (The ride was a tad tougher coming home though ... :cry: )
  • coombsfh
    coombsfh Posts: 186
    Sounds ace - I am jealous. Try as I might, confined to manchester and being a post illness wet-puss at the moment, all I can muster is 31mph on the flat!

    Can't wait to get to wiltshire and crack 50mph down a savage hill.
  • Feltup
    Feltup Posts: 1,340
    Like ColinJ I had a strong tail wind up a 8% hill in Cornwall and was doing 20mph, I was a cycling God!!!! Until I got back to the hill on the return leg and was finding it hard doing 20mph back down it :oops:
    Short hairy legged roadie FCN 4 or 5 in my baggies.

    Felt F55 - 2007
    Specialized Singlecross - 2008
    Marin Rift Zone - 1998
    Peugeot Tourmalet - 1983 - taken more hits than Mohammed Ali