Back on the bike after too long off

kg211 Posts: 34
edited June 2011 in MTB general
I've just been out on the bike around Shearwater/longleat after too long only on canal towpaths and the difference in my fitness is shocking. Strangely I didn't see another bike anywhere whilst I was out.

At the mo most my riding is taking the little one to the swimming pool along the towpath.
I think i will have to introduce her to the joys of getting muddy off road because the towpath doesn't do it for me.

That way I wont feel guilty about spending all day away from the family in the limited time i have away from work


  • cagebomb
    cagebomb Posts: 47
    I came back after 5+ years away from bikes, it's great getting back into it, I forgot how good the feeling of riding a bike is and I'll never leave biking again. 8)
  • kg211
    kg211 Posts: 34
    I had a great time but normally I have to go where the little one can go as she wants to get her bike out when ever I go near mine. I will have to teach her not to be all pink and fluffy and that mud is good for you. As she gets bigger (only 7 at the mo) she will be able to do more and get the inbuilt invincibility cloak all kids get.