are schwalbe lugano any good?

weii Posts: 23
edited June 2011 in Road beginners
just did the 51 miles newbury wiggle magnificat today, first time ever on any cycle events, 3 hours and 26 minutes.

anyway, i had 2 punctures, which is annoying as it eat into the times (i am quite good at changing the tube, but it still takes 10 minutes) and i'll lose any momentum, the legs never feels right after you stopped.

i have a pair of schwalbe lugano, i had it for 600 miles without any puncture but today i had 2.

what do everyone think of the lugano, are they rubbish, but at least they are cheap.


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    They're a budget option, better than rubbish i'd say
  • HiMoz
    HiMoz Posts: 62
    1000 miles on mine with one unavoidable puncture from a piece of flint. Great bargain tyre imo.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    I've got them on the 'Dale, they seem pretty good, am pleased enough

    Sounds like you were unlucky - are they pumped up good and hard? I run mine at around 120psi

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • small_bloke
    small_bloke Posts: 222
    I tried Laguna's because they were cheap. Got punctures very quickly. Took them off but then tried them again a few months later incase it was just bad luck - got punctures again.

    Swalbe Blizzard Sport gave me the same ride comforts but without the punctures. Done about 500 miles inc some rough gravel and even what looked like glass.

    High on bikes do them for £8.50 per tyre (similar to Laguna price). ... -x-23.html