Best European destination for cycling?



  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    +1 I have zero experience of cycling on the Continent or anywhere outside the UK, so any info from other posters on foreign conditions/locations would be great.

    We're not all Alan Whicker...
  • "+1 I have zero experience of cycling on the Continent or anywhere outside the UK, so any info from other posters on foreign conditions/locations would be great. "
    One thing you may (or may not) know is that on the Continent L and R brakes are inverted compared to UK, so that you are braking with your back brake and don't risk going over handlebars when you give hand signal to turn across oncoming traffic. If you hire a bike, you may wish to check which way round brakes are.
    ciao Peter
  • GeorgeShaw
    GeorgeShaw Posts: 764
    the roads in Andalucia for instance might be rough and bumpy

    I was in the Alpujarras last May, and most of the roads were new, due to EU funding. I stayed at Vamos Cycling, definitely to be recommended.
  • I was in the Alpujarras last May, and most of the roads were new, due to EU funding

    And getting smoother every year 8)