spd shoes right foot pointing inwards

sloweey Posts: 89
edited June 2011 in MTB general
every time i clip into pedals my right foot seems to be pointing in when i try to point foot straight my hip seems to hurt a little ...tghe cleats are right on the ball of my foot could it be something to do with height of seatpost our anything else


  • Fenred
    Fenred Posts: 428
    Reposition the cleat on that shoe, I have the same issue and the cleat on my right shoe is angled WAY in to compensate. Remember when setting up cleat angle it all works in the opposite way that you think it would.
  • sloweey
    sloweey Posts: 89
    so if my foot needs to go to the right i move cleat to left ...cheers for reply mate ill try that
  • Fenred
    Fenred Posts: 428
    Correct matey...point the cleat inboard (left)...You'll be all good :D
  • Stan Leigh
    Stan Leigh Posts: 168
    Very important thing with cleats is getting the angle correct . Sit on a high bench or wall or something & allow your legs to dangle . Take your eyes off them for a minute & relax.

    Now look at the position of your feet , very few feet are perfectly straight , they will angle out slightly . This is the position you want them on your peddles , if you force your feet to sit perfectly straight you will do serious damage to your knees.

    If your using shimanos , remember you can loosen the mechanism on the peddles so they release easily , until it becomes second nature , then you can tighten them up .