First 36 mile sponsored bike ride - what training do I need?

Coolnick Posts: 380
I've booked myself on to a sponsored bike ride in October on a 36 mile route around Sherwood Pines and Clumber Park.

I'm what you would call a recreational mountain biker in that I enjoy riding round my local wood trails and local reservoir (7 mile circuit) etc so not used to biking distances more than say 14 miles.

I have a couple of questions;

- What training do you recommend I would need to get fit enough for this route? Do I need a training programme for this kind of distance? Got 2 kids and full time job so time would be restricted to couple of evenings and a weekend day.

- Do I need a bike computer to assist me with training? If so, what budget wireless computers do you recommend?

- Apart from small Dakine pack with hydration bladder, spare inner tube, tyre levers, pump, is there anything else I need for the day in my pack?

For your information, I'm 35, average build, ok level of fitness in that I play an hours football once a week and a 3 mile run. My bikes a Spesh Rockhopper, disc brakes, fire xc tyres, MX pro fork.

Any assistance appreciated. Cheers, Nick
Boardman HT Comp 2012>
Spesh Rockhopper 2004 - 2012


  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Ride your bike as much as possible. The best way to improve your endurance is to do longer rides. I'd not worry too much about strict training, just get out when you can for as long as you can!

    A computer will help you know exactly how far you're going. Cateye do one for each budget, the Strada is very neat and not too expensive.
  • As Njee saying... go out on bike as much as you can?

    or if you can't get out for a distance amount of time, just try and add a few 2-3mile runs in a week... should only take 20-30mins.. will help with fitness and leg strength

    If you find you can get round your route 3 times and 21miles easily enough, then 35miles shouldnt be out of your reach at all

    Good luck mate
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    If you're about average fitness, then the distance shouldn't be a problem, just take it easy, it's not a race.

    I did the BHF 30 mile ride in May, with a girl who has almost never ridden a bike before. We took it easy, and she was fine.
  • Coolnick
    Coolnick Posts: 380
    Thanks for the replies so far. By sounds of it I could do with being fitter but have no need to do a strict training plan which is good as it was my aim to both improve fitness and raise some money in the process.

    Any more replies welcome and tips on stuff to go in pack for the day.

    Boardman HT Comp 2012>
    Spesh Rockhopper 2004 - 2012
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Pack plenty of water,
    Light rain jacket if it looks like the heavens might open
    puncture repair stuff
    some snacks in case you need them.

    that should be all really. Charity rides are quite laid back things, not a dog-eat-dog race situation.
  • delta5
    delta5 Posts: 265
    IME, take time to warm up, and pace yourself. It's often tempting to try to keep up with fitter / faster / more seasoned riders (or with those who roar off at the start only to fade before the end).

    In addition to the usual energy-rich snacks, take some snacks containing salts (sodium, potassium, magnesium) or some soluble electrolyte tabs like High 5. Helps avoid cramps which can happen if your muscles aren't used to longer rides / endurance.

    Good luck and enjoy!
    My abundant supply of MTFU is reserved for use in dry, sunny conditions.
  • Coolnick
    Coolnick Posts: 380
    Some very useful tips there, thanks all. Anyone else reading, feel free to add any comments/thoughts too. Cheers
    Boardman HT Comp 2012>
    Spesh Rockhopper 2004 - 2012
  • Twisterboy
    Twisterboy Posts: 311
    I've just read your post and I'm thinking of a couple of sponsered cycles one being pedal for scotland and another sponsered ride for a charity close to my heart both being 50 miles and there is some cracking advice on here, I done a 26mile ride last year and packed lots of water, snacks, rain jacket, just as what someone has said take it easy and try not to keep up with the experts, when I done my 26 mile ride I only belted the last 3-4 miles as I knew the finishing line was not so far off.
