how is the UCI DH scored?

bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
edited June 2011 in MTB general
Anyone want to write up a little on how it's scored? How does it add to their world rankings? And I think during Warners ramblings he mentioned how you could do well in qualifying, but badly in the race and still come out as well as if you'd done badly in Quals but finished strong. I assume them you gain points in the quallies?

Any links would be appreciated too - been looking around but haven't found anything.


  • Pete-C
    Pete-C Posts: 353
    The Rules have them at the back, page 65 for DH
    "Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt, then its hilarious"
    Pitch Comp
  • aaronmroach
    aaronmroach Posts: 341
    Mmm I think you get, 200 for being World Cup Champ.

    Then from 1 to 20 in quals you get from 50 down to 5 awarded.

    Then the final run you get from position 1 to 80 awarded 200 points graduating down to 1 at 80th place.

    Then theres points for being national champ, continenetal champ!!!!

    It all gets very very very confusing
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Pete-C wrote:
    The Rules have them at the back, page 65 for DH
    Awesome, cheers.
    I've been looking for something like that for a while, but wasn't sure where to look.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    aye cheers, makes for interesting reading. So in summary for our current batch of Freecaster entertainment;

    1st = 50
    2nd = 40
    3rd = 30

    Finals =
    1st = 200
    2nd = 160
    3rd = 140

    Though the single round world champ event scores as;
    1st = 300
    2nd = 250
    3rd = 200

    Does this mean there is actually three ways of being crowned; Winner of the Cup series, winner of the champ event, and accumulator of the most UCI points? Could you loose the champs and the cup, but having entered more events in the year actually accumulate more points than anyone else and be crowned another title?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    edited June 2011
    Nope. The World cup is a year long event, and the winner of the series is crowned the World cup winner.

    The world Championship is a single, one-off event, and the winner gets crowned the World Champion, and gets the UCI stripey top.

    I believe all points are accumulated, in order to decide world ranking/seeding for the next year. Something like that.

    (edited for typos :oops: )
  • Pete-C
    Pete-C Posts: 353
    There are only 2 titles, World Cup Champion and World Champion. The cup one as the accumulated points at the end of the season and the world champion which is the single event. The result of the champions does have more point scoring than a standard round as youve seen so it helps more towards the overall world cup series as a heavier weighting.
    So yes winning the world champs (one off event) helps to win the world cup champion but its in no way essential as has been proven in the last few years
    "Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt, then its hilarious"
    Pitch Comp
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Isn't the world cup champion crowned before the world champs ever takes place?
  • Pete-C
    Pete-C Posts: 353
    Thats what i always thought, but then why would there be points won from the champs?
    "Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt, then its hilarious"
    Pitch Comp
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I think it's to determine the seeding for the following year.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    I believe all points are accumulated, in order to decide world ranking/seeding for the next year. Something like that.

    That's the one, thanks.

    Seems odd that if all the points are accumulated, you could loose out on both titles but come out with more points overall. You'd not be the World Champion, you'd not have won the World Cup, but you could be ranked number one...
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    World rankings are based on all points gained at all eligible events for the previous two years to date. Inc nationals and others.

    The World Championships are usually before the last round of the World Cup.
  • lochussie
    lochussie Posts: 276
    The world cup is determined by points in just the world cup finals and qualifiers. The world champs come after. All big and many smaller races give points, the main use of these is determining what races you can enter and your cat. World ranking uses points from last year and is calculated after big races etc but doesn't seem to be of any practical benefit. The start order for first world cup of year comes from last year's world cup results.

    I think.

    One thing that confused me at first is protected status where the top 20/10 men/women in wc standing get through to the final even if they mess up qualifying.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Is the whole reasoning BEHIND the points on tha thuge PDF somewhere, so we can stop guessing and speculating?
    It's a huge file, and I'm feeling lazy - go on, someone else read it :lol: