Swapping a boardman HT frame to an On One 456 - Worth it?

bigpee Posts: 205
edited June 2011 in MTB buying advice
I currently have a Boardman HT Comp (2010) that I was going use until next spring by which point I was going to get a full sus, probably a Canyon Nerve. However I've recently got a bit of an itch to upgrade it.

My main riding is XC normally Pirbright, Caesars Camp or Swinley, although I am beginning to throw myself into the jumps and berms a lot more now my confidence is building after a fairly solid year of riding. I also like the odd trip to somewhere like Afan.

With that in mind I am considering getting something a little less race orientated (and cheap). The On One 456 fits the bill nicely. My plan would be to swap all the parts over from the Boardman to the On One. I realise it'll only be a 100mm fork going on the On One (a recon gold) as opposed to a more suited 120mm but this is something I might upgrade later.

The question is - is it worth spending the £130 on the frame (plus an extra £20 on a headset and £30 on a bottom bracket) just to satisfy an itch to spend money on my bike?
Current bikes:
Norco Sight 3 SE (on order)
Specialized Allez 2010

Old bikes:
Commencal META 55 custom build (Stolen :( )
Boardman HT Comp 2010
GT Avalance 1.0 2006(ish)


  • Yes and no.

    In your situation - and you have cash to burn then yes.

    But the difference with what you have now is not massively radical.

    If it was me (possibly a lot older than you???) - I'd wait until I came on here and asked "I love by boardman but I want a steeper/longer/stiffer/springier/flexier/.... head angle/top-tube...... a full suss etc

    Just ride the ass out of what you have. When you're at deaths door (learning wise) then trade up. When someone tells you that you look like you know what you're doing then its time to upgrade. Otherwise spend the cash on the wife, kids, mistress, skills course etc.

    Thats my 2p's worth.

    I will stress the skills course part - 'cause of all the stuff I've spent cash on by far and a mile the biggest difference is getting someone to watch me and point out where I can improve.
  • nozzac
    nozzac Posts: 408
    So how much does it weigh? I can't see that on their site.

    At that price I might be interested in swapping one in in place of my old GT XC frame which is giving my back gyp.

    Not sure I'd be up for swapping it in on a new bike like you though. You might not like the result and can't try it out first.
  • Pudseyp
    Pudseyp Posts: 3,514
    Keep the money and blow it on a night at Spearmint Rhino....can't see the point if your upgrading to a bouncer early next year...
    Tomac Synper 140 Giant XTC Alliance 1
    If the world was flat, I wouldn't be riding !
  • Hey ive recently bought a on one 456 and some of the parts are from my boardman team ie crank gear system disc brakes.

    The rest ive been selling in parts and this paid for a set of 140 revelations and a headset so far

    I also plan on buying a new wheelset and finnishing kit before riding it which i will save for, In the meantime though i bought a old cannondale delta v600 £130 off ebay and i will use that while im saving and building the on one.
  • Fenred
    Fenred Posts: 428
    100mm fork on a 456 will be horrible. Despite O-O claiming you can run 4-6" the lower end doesnt really work. If money is burning a hole in your pocket buy an inbred frame, if not then hold off....
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    The frame is 5.5lbs. The Boardman is 3.5lbs. Not worth it as it stands.
  • bigpee
    bigpee Posts: 205
    Thanks for all the repsonses.

    The general feeling definately seems to be it's not worth it, and that maybe an inbred frame would be better for the fork travel I currently have anyway. (More expensive and not currently in stock for the 20 inch versions which I'd need).

    Common sense also says I'd be better off saving my money and getting a full sus. The problem is seem to have the desire to fiddle with my bike at the moment :oops: when it is almost certainly just left well alone apart from the odd essential like a new BB after a winter of abuse.
    Current bikes:
    Norco Sight 3 SE (on order)
    Specialized Allez 2010

    Old bikes:
    Commencal META 55 custom build (Stolen :( )
    Boardman HT Comp 2010
    GT Avalance 1.0 2006(ish)
  • Fenred
    Fenred Posts: 428
    bigpee wrote:
    The problem is seem to have the desire to fiddle with my bike at the moment :oops: .

    As affliction that effect us all :wink::lol:
  • kona_matt
    kona_matt Posts: 475
    like a few have already said, not worth it. I love my 456 but already want to go full sus. hasn't been the massive difference from my 100mm travel kona that I was hoping for. no point getting an inbred frame unless you really hate the geometry of the boardman.

    on-one frames really are not an upgrade for most people. if you're after a fairly bomb proof steel frame with relaxed geometry that doesn't cost the earth for a new build then yes, go for one. but they are heavy and fairly poorly finished. great value but bottom end of the steel frames out there.

    if you want something new and shiny for the bike wheels are best upgrade you can make but this will cost you a lot more than the price of an on-one frame!

    a skills day is a great suggestion.
    FCN 9 - 2008 Kona Cinder Cone
    FCN 9 - Custom Build On-One 456
    FCN 5 - 2010 Boardman Team Carbon
  • nozzac
    nozzac Posts: 408
    Maybe you could mess with the stem and bars to bring your weight back if being over the front is the problem. I've done this and whilst it's not the same as a more relaxed front geometry it does give you more confidence on steeper stuff and make it easier to get the nose up for manualling etc.

    Of course if you have good skills then you can do pretty much anything on most bikes instead of worrying about head angles etc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z1fSpZNXhU
  • bigpee
    bigpee Posts: 205
    I've taken note of the advice yet still been able to satisfy my urge to buy something. In this case a 70mm Zepher CNC stem from Superstar which is a bit of a steal in their sale at £33. This will replace the 100mm stem I currently have, and hopefully subtly alter the quality of ride and control I have.
    Current bikes:
    Norco Sight 3 SE (on order)
    Specialized Allez 2010

    Old bikes:
    Commencal META 55 custom build (Stolen :( )
    Boardman HT Comp 2010
    GT Avalance 1.0 2006(ish)