How fast can you cycle 1 mile in?

fcg_andy Posts: 2
edited June 2011 in Amateur race

We have just launched and Endomondo challenge -" how fast can you cycle 1 mile in on the road?" Any bike type but must be on the road. To take part you need a GPS enabled "smart phone" and Endomondo installed (free download). Please enter the challenge here >

Many thanks


  • Pseudonym
    Pseudonym Posts: 1,032
    fcg_andy wrote:

    We have just launched and Endomondo challenge -" how fast can you cycle 1 mile in on the road?" Any bike type but must be on the road. To take part you need a GPS enabled "smart phone" and Endomondo installed (free download). Please enter the challenge here >

    Many thanks

    there's a cracking descent near me which drops 900ft in 3.5 miles - on a good day you can probably carry 35+ all the way down - but I'm guessing that's not what you meant..?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yep, I have a cracking descent near me that'll do the job :)
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    1min 23 sec
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    The rider came to a halt at the top of killer mile Mow Cop and sucked in a deep breath.
    The road seemed to lurch seemingly like off the end of ski jump ramp as eyes were cast down the road.
    Can be done, was uttered and the bike was launched downwards at helter skelter pace. Speed gathering at every turn of the cranks. Men in their cloth caps sipping their pints of mild in the Cheshire View dimly recollected the apparition later on as it continued the murdeous descent defying the very laws of gravity to go even faster.
    Now oblivious to all and sundry apart from keeping that line on the tarmac, sweeping the corners, hands on the drops, far away from the brakes as at half way point this was no time to unscrew the courage and let mere fear rule. The noise of the wind became ever more deafening as eyes became screwed up tight with utter concntration. The final few yards... and then... damn... the level crossing lights are red... damn..
    the time ..59,78 seconds.. sadly nullified by the 1845 Pendolino from Piccadilly to Euston.

    Dont suppose this counted either.
  • The rider came to a halt at the top of killer mile Mow Cop and sucked in a deep breath.
    The road seemed to lurch seemingly like off the end of ski jump ramp as eyes were cast down the road.
    Can be done, was uttered and the bike was launched downwards at helter skelter pace. Speed gathering at every turn of the cranks. Men in their cloth caps sipping their pints of mild in the Cheshire View dimly recollected the apparition later on as it continued the murdeous descent defying the very laws of gravity to go even faster.
    Now oblivious to all and sundry apart from keeping that line on the tarmac, sweeping the corners, hands on the drops, far away from the brakes as at half way point this was no time to unscrew the courage and let mere fear rule. The noise of the wind became ever more deafening as eyes became screwed up tight with utter concntration. The final few yards... and then... damn... the level crossing lights are red... damn..
    the time ..59,78 seconds.. sadly nullified by the 1845 Pendolino from Piccadilly to Euston.

    Hmmm... Given that the Killer Mile finish line is on a flat road in Mow Cop, the corners on the climb/descent are far too tight to make it round without braking and making it down the hill as far as the level crossing in 59,78 seconds (if the start of the downhill leg had been in the right place that is) would mean AVERAGING 60mph I suspect some creative story telling is taking place...
    Put me back on my bike...

    t' blog:
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    1 mile in I'm not usually properly warmed up, I reckon I'm at my fastest after about 5 miles
  • Richa1181
    Richa1181 Posts: 177
    I live down the road from Mow Cop, go up it several times a week but have only ever descended it once on a road bike. That road is absolutely no fun with your face pointed at the ground and knowing you'll hit 45 the second you let go of the brakes!
  • Wh05apk
    Wh05apk Posts: 35
    ....................................there's going to be tears..................and broken bones :shock: