Tour de Suisse

Pross Posts: 43,207
edited June 2011 in Pro race
With this year's parcours making far more use of the Swiss topography and with it being a week closer to the Tour is it likely to be better preparation for the GC riders than the Dauphine? Also, is it likely to replace the Dauphine as the traditional warm up race?


  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    I think you're right.

    It seems the more logical choice.

    The only caveat to that is a) the dauphine has the TT advantage and b) the Tour De Suisse is a long race - it's the longest non-GT race.

    9 days of mainly mountains is a lot just before the Tour...
  • Abdoujaparov
    Abdoujaparov Posts: 642
    Looking forward to the Malbun finish on Thursday:


    Btw, what did people think of Rob Hatch (doing the eurosport commentary for the highlights yesterday)? Don't think I've heard him before (although his voice sounded familiar...from another sport?).

    Thought he was pretty good.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,207
    Thought Hatch was a vast improvement on Kirby although a prologue is always going to be slightly easier so will be good to see how he does on the road stages. What happened to the coverage? One minute they were showing Frank starting then Thor crossed the line and it went to the results!
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    Pross wrote:
    Thought Hatch was a vast improvement on Kirby although a prologue is always going to be slightly easier so will be good to see how he does on the road stages. What happened to the coverage? One minute they were showing Frank starting then Thor crossed the line and it went to the results!

    Yes i noticed that, thought why are they are suddenly announcing Cancellara as the winner when there are still a few riders on the course?!?

    I was wondering who the commentator was, I thought he was good, did a really good job with pronouncing rider's names in the correct way. Not like Kirby today - "vi-knock-arov". Interesting that graham Jones was co-commentator, they must have liked him at the tour series.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Graham Jones has done some commentary on Eurosport before, I seem to recall... maybe some of the minor spring classics.