Blackfriars 20mph vote - Tories walked out



  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    feltkuota wrote:
    A cyclist on Blackfriar's Bridge is as protected as they can be without someone halting the traffic and giving said cyclist right of way.

    Except when the cycle lane is full of motorbikes like it was this morning.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • feltkuota
    feltkuota Posts: 333

    That's got nowt to do with the speed limit but I take your point.
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    feltkuota wrote:
    What possible difference would reducing the speed limit to 20 make?

    @20mph I can easily cycle with the traffic, entering lanes and filtering with ease.

    @30mph it's a whole lot harder.

    Sorry for wanting an easy life an all, but a reduction of 10 mph would make a considerable difference to me. I don't always use cycle lanes, cos they don't always take me where I want to go.
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    PeteinSQ wrote:
    He also said it had something to do with this link which I don't entirely understand the relevance of.

    It's on a Tory's blog, so may well be 70% fiction like Nadine Dorries'

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    feltkuota wrote:
    Why would you ask that?

    Blackfriars Bridge:

    London Bridge:

    Accidents happen all the time on bridges in London. Significantly more so than on other roads in the City.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    In a way it has. The M/C this morning were breaking the law, if they are prepared to do that they will not care about 20mph speed limit, I doubt they care about 30mph one either. So the vote is pretty pointless. Simply fact is most motorist are not aware speed limit on blackfriers is 2-mph currently, and even if they are not many stick to it.

    20mph speed limits like ASLs and cycle lanes the legislation is pointless if not enforced.

    The only place I think I've every seen 20mph enforced in Tower Bridge.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • feltkuota
    feltkuota Posts: 333

    Maybe my misunderstanding but the OP was about a 20mph limit on Blackfriar's Bridge. The cycle lane on the bridge only takes you to the other side of the Bridge therefore
    " I don't always use cycle lanes, cos they don't always take me where I want to go." no point using the bridge.
  • feltkuota
    feltkuota Posts: 333

    All I see are some links from another cycle forum that must make it so.

    In answer to your earlier question though, yes, I am serious. Rather was serious I now can't be arsed.. Hope it works out for you though.
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    feltkuota wrote:

    Maybe my misunderstanding but the OP was about a 20mph limit on Blackfriar's Bridge. The cycle lane on the bridge only takes you to the other side of the Bridge therefore
    " I don't always use cycle lanes, cos they don't always take me where I want to go." no point using the bridge.

    The 20mph zone covers the junction at the northern end of Blackfriars bridge, the junction is where the problems start.

    Coming from east to west, or North to west a cyclist has to negotiate two lanes of traffic turning left (onto the bridge) to get to the next cycle lane and ASL/box. If that traffic is coming through that part of the junction at 30mph, it makes it a lot harder to get through that lane, at 20mph, it's much easier.

    Coming from south going east is much the same fun and games
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • Origamist
    Origamist Posts: 807
    PeteinSQ wrote:
    James Cleverly the Conservative AM responded to a question I sent on Twitter. He says that because the motion is non binding he considers it to be a waste of time (at least I think that's what he means):

    @markbikeslondon @peteinsq @alicebhand the motion is non-binding and my priority is about getting results rather than just talking"

    He also said it had something to do with this link which I don't entirely understand the relevance of.

    A different reason put forward by the Tory Assembly member Richard Tracey (I suspect this will be the official line):

    I am afraid you have got only part of the story. The Conservative Members did not walk out to avoid the Blackfriars debate and we are still in direct discussion with the Mayor and his Transport advisors about the situation because it is the Mayor who has the final decision.

    We walked out of the Chamber because Labour and Green Members refused after several invitations to condemn and disown Labour candidate Ken Livingstone, who last week described, in a most offensive and unacceptable way, Edward Lister, the Mayor's Chief of Staff and former long-time Leader of Wandsworth Council, as "the Radko Mladic of local government". What follows here tells you what you should know:-

    " The London Assembly has condemned former Mayor Ken Livingstone for describing Boris Johnson's new Chief of Staff Edward Lister as "the Radko Mladic of local government" at a public event last week.

    Livingstone is challenging successor Boris Johnson at next year's Mayoral elections.
    On Wednesday Assembly Members passed a motion condemning Livingstone's remarks after questioning Lister on his past policies at Wandsworth and the advice he'll provide to the Mayor in future.

    Conservative AMs proposed the motion which also welcomed Lister's appointment to his new role following the death of Sir Simon Milton.

    The motion was backed by Liberal Democrats on the Assembly however Green Party AM Darren Johnson said he condemned Livingstone's comments but was unwilling to back the uncritical description of Lister's past record in the motion.

    Labour AMs voted against the motion which was passed 13 votes in favour to 8 against with one abstention.
    Before the vote Livingstone's running-mate Val Shawcross, who was present when the remark was made, said it was a "bad joke" which she did not agree with. Conservative AM Brian Coleman said her remarks would "haunt her".

    Richard Tracey JP AM