Potato Endorsed Morning Thread

getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
edited June 2011 in The Crudcatcher
'Nother crap day at school for me and then more revision. Can't even commute on the bike, its in pieces atm. What's everyone else got planned?


  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    work = MEH!

    work = MEH!

    work = MEH!

    .. and a little bit of apathy.

    Same as yesterday.. :lol:
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    Work, Bacons, work work work. Home. Pack for Scotland.

    Last working day of the week for me (in your face, suckers!). Off up North to help set-up and run an off-road rally over the weekend. Woo-haa!

    Onwards! To fried pig!
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,288
    work = MEH!

    work = MEH!

    work = MEH!

    .. and a little bit of apathy.

    Same as yesterday.. :lol:

    yep, that about covers it
  • RevellRider
    RevellRider Posts: 1,794
    Morning crudmonkeys

    I'm in a good mood today despite it being my 7th day in a row at work. The sun is out, it doesn't seem to windy so I'll have a fast and fun ride to work. No Bacons for me, I guess cheese on toast will have to be a suitable substitute.

    And I'm off to Download tomorrow 8) 8)
  • toastedone
    toastedone Posts: 838

    Oh im looking after my three kids while SWMBO is off to see take that
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    Well, I was GOING to watch some more racing today, but as it's lashing down, I suspect it'll be cancelled, or at least delayed until tonight.

    Other than that, meh.
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    Morning Benders

    Revision times again today, off to uni in a minute to get started.

    Hopefully watching X-men this afternoon.

  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    Clank wrote:

    Last working day of the week

    with you on this, off until tuesday for the Isle of Wight festival cant fookin wait, dont care if its peeing it down either, its going to be mint

    Foo Fighters,
    Kings of Leon
    Sea Sick Steve
    we are scientists
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Alwight bumders
    had a good ride last night, not too tireing, stretched the legs out so i'm not aching anymore - which is nice.
    Coffee has been purchased, so this week can officially begin.

    Got the Big Cheese's here today, should be interesting as all the managers have had squeeky bums for the last few days since this meeting was anounced :lol: i have not been invited, this could be a good thing or a bad thing :?:

    anywhoo i think that kettle is too cold again!
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    Whats the Big Cheese doing at your office?
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    morning all,

    i'm feeling 100% better today, no sick or poo :lol:

    spoke to me little boy on the phone this morning and he said potato down the phone..i hope he hasn't been reading the crudcatcher he's only 18 months :lol:

    have agood day all - kitty, how did yesterday go for you?
  • Pudseyp
    Pudseyp Posts: 3,514
    Morning fagotts and lezbicans....

    After yesterdays epic pedal around three of the trails at coed y brenin it feels like I have had a night out with Ron Jeremy and a bottle of Rohypnol (or cock-smack as per wikipedia)

    Working from home again so will be doing some more "work" stuff and surfing the net at the same time..copious amounts of tea ate in order wit some biscuits...no hobnobs though the missus forgot...she did by some toffee doggers so will give them a bash...

    G'day all
    Tomac Synper 140 Giant XTC Alliance 1
    If the world was flat, I wouldn't be riding !
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    kaiser83 wrote:
    Whats the Big Cheese doing at your office?
    Obviously not "The Big Cheese" he's more of a Formage Frais
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    VWsurfbum wrote:
    kaiser83 wrote:
    Whats the Big Cheese doing at your office?
    Obviously not "The Big Cheese" he's more of a Formage Frais

    well you never know, he might have just turned up at your work!
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Morning peeps feeling full of meh today, can't be arsed with work, can't be arsed with much tbh, had a shit night yesterday and a shit morning too, thinking I need a new job asap :lol:

    gonna prep the steed for it's weekend in the lakes tonight, and frankly it can't come soon enough!!

    S'pose I best get some caffeines and do somethin remotely constructive

    Laters y'all
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Mornin Fweaks and Fweaklets,

    Up far too early, as on nights but thats what an old mans bladder does for your lie ins!! MEH!

    On the up/down side i have just got a picture of the mountain mayhem route which i cannot wait for, but am slightly bricking it!!

    Bye all

    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    lawman wrote:
    Morning peeps feeling full of meh today, can't be arsed with work, can't be arsed with much tbh, had a shoot night yesterday and a shoot morning too, thinking I need a new job asap

    mate you are not the only one, i am bored out of my brain at the minute! CV went on Jobsite yesterday..........
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Morning bederoonieonnyooooharghahahalalalatraladeefadumbledores.

    Productive day at work yesterday, I sat in the cabin all day and went nowhere, today however I have to go to Crewe and visit new street several times too, still nothing too hard. I'm off in a minute or a shave and a haircut, not sure what to have, I've been growing the hair a bit lately so I can steer away from my really short cuts, Im leaning towards early Morrissey.

    t-2 days until its lake time wooohoooo
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    VW OPEN N THE DOOR *angrily shakes fist*

    I’ve been here for 30 mins outside freezing my tits off!!!

    This is going on your appraisal!!!
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292

    bright side is day off tomorrow.

  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Not bad here, bit damp out but got my gear n Bike in the car so fingers crossed its nice otherwise i might get wet :(
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Haircut fail, stupid b1tch cut off half the hair I've been growing after I told her just trim the very tips of it, I just have pretty much the same haircut I started out with 3 months ago now :evil:
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    Gazlar wrote:
    Haircut fail, stupid b1tch cut off half the hair I've been growing after I told her just trim the very tips of it, I just have pretty much the same haircut I started out with 3 months ago now :evil:

    Get a pair of scissors, walk back in, grab all of her hair in a ponytail, and cut the fucking thing off, see how she likes it.

    I had the same thing once, and since then a woman has never came near me again with scissors.. (exluding the missus obviously :lol: )
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    Greetings Maggots

    Today I was at the dentist for treatment. I was supposed to be having some impressions made as I'm having an incisor replaced. I had it crowned years back when an ice hockey match cost me four front teeth, three were saved and braced, one was damaged beyond repair and crowned. The crown has been in mouth for a long time and now needs replacing as it's not worn down unlike the natural teeth do.
    Anyway, I've now been referred to a specialist as the original root canal has "failed" and needs to be redone, but by a specialist because it's a second treatment on the canal.
    Cost? £400 at the very least..

    Meh! Other than that, the other teeth are all perfect
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Gazlar wrote:
    Haircut fail, stupid b1tch cut off half the hair I've been growing after I told her just trim the very tips of it, I just have pretty much the same haircut I started out with 3 months ago now :evil:

    Get a pair of scissors, walk back in, grab all of her hair in a ponytail, and cut the ******* thing off, see how she likes it.

    I had the same thing once, and since then a woman has never came near me again with scissors.. (exluding the missus obviously :lol: )

    I would, but she has the most, I think the official girl phrase is "pixie" i'd say more dyke haircut imaginable, I suppose I could go in there, pin her down and give her an extension!!!
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • crazy88
    crazy88 Posts: 560
    If she's hot i'd give her my extension
    Out with the old, in with the new here.
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    you haven't got a good extension giving in you....
  • crazy88
    crazy88 Posts: 560
    That's true, I think i left it in the babysitter last night.
    Out with the old, in with the new here.
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    crazy88 wrote:
    That's true, I think i left it in the babysitter last night.

    You need a babysitter, are you 12?
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt