Bryton Rider 50 or Garmin Edge 705?

schmekzoid Posts: 7
edited June 2011 in MTB buying advice
I'm looking for some advice on whether to go out and buy the new to the market Bryton Rider 50 or the established Garmin Edge 705. They are both clearly good products, but I'm not sure which is best for my needs. I'm looking for a GPS device that I can swap between my road and mountain bikes. While the devices are much of a muchness even on price now, what I think is going to be the deal breaker is the mapping. The Bryton as far as I understand it is now tied to using NavTeq maps while with the Garmin you're free to use whatever maps you choose. I am completely new to GPS having never owned anyting like this before. I've managed to get a demo Bryyton for a few days to try out and I like the interface, although I also find it difficult to see the screen when riding and haven't worked out yet whether the only rides I can download are those on the Bryton web site or whether I can pick planned routes from other sites and use these too. I still think that the mapping may be my issue. From what I gather the navteq maps should be fine if I stick to the roads, but I've no idea how good they'll be once I leave them. Are the free maps available any better for mountain biking? it certainly seems thay UK contour maps are available from sites such as TalkyToaster, but I've never actually seen them so don't know anything about their quality or suitability. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • equinefunk
    equinefunk Posts: 323

    I have the Garmin Edge 605, which I got from ebay for not very much. Unless you need the Barometric Altimeter & HRM the 605 is basically the same. I use my Garmin offroad with the opencycle map which is only cheap. Plan my routes on Memory Map or Bikehike & load onto Garmin.

    I also use it on my road bike which gives you turn by turn navigation.

    Can't comment on Bryton.
    I'm over 6' and have quite a large head.
  • stayhigh65
    stayhigh65 Posts: 611
    I've read about issues surrounding the software for the Bryton units and importing tracks/routes to them. Something to do with having to upload .gpx's to Brytons software and then onto the unit itself (prepares to stand corrected).

    Also IIRC there was something recently about Garmin launching legal action against them.

    Personally I think its a good looking unit with a nice big screen but have no first hand experience.
    Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.

  • Thanks for the replies. It's a difficult one to answer because not many have used the Bryton yet. From what I've read it seems that Bryton are sorting the teething trouble with the unit, but it seems to be a work in progress.

    I'm still not sure about the mapping sides of things. Which way open source or Navteq because this ultimately determines the unit I buy.

    The legal action, which was a Garmin attempting to clobber Bryton with patent infringement which they apparently don't own either

    Found this on the Mtbr forum: (

    Garmins alleged patent infringement by Bryton is not owned by them - by Paul Johnson
    The alleged patent infringement by Bryton regarding its Rider 30 in the USA reveals that the patent is registered to William Fry. This form of defense is typical of a company scrambling for protective rights when feeling threatened by a competitor.

    Magistrate Judge K. Gary Sebelius has requested the council to register electronic notification pursuant to the court's Administrative Procedures by completing a CM/ECF Electronic Filing Registration Form whereafter a firm decision to take the matter further will be announced.

    Suit Summary

    RFC Case Number: P-G11-2162B
    Court Case Number: 2:11-cv-02162-RDR -KGS
    File Date: Monday, March 21, 2011
    Plaintiff: Garmin International, Inc.
    Garmin USA, Inc.
    Garmin Switzerland GMBH
    Plaintiff Counsel: Adam P. Seitz, Michelle L. Marriott, Mary Jane Peal, Aaron W. Purser of Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP
    Defendant: Bryton, Inc.
    Cause: 35:271 Patent Infringement
    Court: Kansas District Court
    Judge: District Judge Richard D. Rogers
    Referred To: Magistrate Judge K. Gary Sebelius
    Patent Details:
    Number Class / Subclass
    D632,984 D10/65
    6,002,982 701/213
    6,463,385 701/213
  • equinefunk
    equinefunk Posts: 323
    From the point of mapping as in planning a route, use the online services & download to your Garmin. Get the Opensource Cycle Map & away you go. The battery life on the Garmin is great as well.

    I have a Windows Mobile with Memory Map & that is the best mapping but the battery won't last a full ride.
    I'm over 6' and have quite a large head.