Raw shooting work flow (FAO yeehaa?)

bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
edited June 2011 in The hub
More camera threads!

I know yeehaa is good on these subjects but any advice is appreciated. I seem to be wasting my time micro-managing dozens of pictures and I'm after some advice on how to speed up the process of editing RAW files in adobe camera raw and saving to jpeg. At the moment I'm doing the following;

open raw,
make adjustments,
save file to jpeg
esc - tab over to folder, repeat.

The trouble is many of them just want deleting and I'm wasting a lot of time opening them all individually. Some of the images could do with the same adjustments but I don't know how to batch edit yet.
Any suggestions from the experienced photographers here?


  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    why not record an action.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • thewaiter
    thewaiter Posts: 110

    what software are you using, Lightroom, photoshop, downloader pro ?

  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    i use photoshop cs5 and adobe bridge to manage my workflow,

    basically as mentioned previously record yourself an action that does everything you need to do and then using adobe bridge i go through >tools>image processor

    and from that you get a menu that lets you pick the fil of photos you want to process, the action you want and what file type you want to save them as, it will also resize all of the images for you as well. very useful and very quick, saved me a lot of time getting the images done for a job i did the other week.

    i have a load of material on using photoshop if anyone needs it, tuition videos and pdf material etc
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    ah ok, I'm pretty sure I have Adobe Bridge as well as part of the creative suite. I'm still learning take and edit photos. Next time I have a batch of RAWs I'll give this a try. Cheers Kaiser.

    I'd be interested in some tuition material too if it's being offered out. I haven't anything on how to use photoshop properly. I'm still just adjusting crop, temp, saturation, exposure and the like.
  • Gizmokev
    Gizmokev Posts: 146
    I would suggest that rather than focusing on PShop you concentrate more on getting the image right before you shoot it....obviously you will make a lot of duffers but rather than trying to salvage them do what you know you must which is to throw them away....then work on the ones that you know are good and edit each one separately.

    I shoot a lot in JPEG when shooting the kids and stuff like that but when I am doing some arty work I go into RAW so I can get the best from an image should they turn out to be nice ones.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    Well sure, I try to get the pictures right when taking and I'm very happy with the ones I choose to keep. I'm not convinced that spending so much time on camera settings for each picture (when time is limited anyway) is any faster than changing saturations and such in post-ed, I find it quicker to adjust in 'shop afterwards. But the trouble is I'll end up with 50 RAWs that I can't preview. Some need deleting, many need a similar alteration, others need to be worked on a little more. I'm curious how people manage their post-ed workflow.
    I'm going to follow Kaiser's advice and see if I can learn some adobe bridge, though any other techniques people have to manage and edit many dozens of pictures would be appreciated.
    Plus I shoot alot with a manual lens and I am becoming more intuitive with getting exposure close on the first few shots. But on a computer screen they aren't always perfect so I shoot in RAW to correct the exposure.
  • Gizmokev
    Gizmokev Posts: 146
    Sorry dude....just re read my post and it was a bit abrupt and demeaning....:oops:

    I shoot arty stuff in RAW and post processing I use Adobe Camera Raw.....like yeehaa says use the function to select all photos to batch process and then select all to save as jpegs.

    Have you downloaded the Nikon .nef codec from nikon? That will let you view them using windows picture thingymajoggy.

    Hope that better answers your question.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Gizmokev wrote:
    I shoot arty stuff in RAW and post processing I use Adobe Camera Raw.....like yeehaa says use the function to select all photos to batch process and then select all to save as jpegs.
    I was just about to post that!
    Seems you saved me effort though, thanks :D

    Hmm, what to post instead?.



    No, wait...

    Yeah, that'll do.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    Gizmokev wrote:
    Sorry dude....just re read my post and it was a bit abrupt and demeaning....:oops:

    I shoot arty stuff in RAW and post processing I use Adobe Camera Raw.....like yeehaa says use the function to select all photos to batch process and then select all to save as jpegs.

    Have you downloaded the Nikon .nef codec from nikon? That will let you view them using windows picture thingymajoggy.

    Hope that better answers your question.

    No worries, no offence taken.
    And I assume you mean kaiser? Yeehaa isn't here unless he's a ninja...
    Also, don't cameras save in their own proprietory raw file meaning a nikon codec would be a bit limited for my olympus? Or is the codec genetic to all raw types?
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    edited June 2011
    Aah i'll use this double post to point out that there clearly is a ninja amongst us, but with skills like that it might be or gizmokev!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I think GizmoKev is on drugs, or maybe someone fed him after midnight.
    No, the Nikkon RAW decoder won't do anything for you, and the advice he's crediting to me wa sin another thread.
  • Gizmokev
    Gizmokev Posts: 146
    Been reading too much stuff that you have been writing yeehaa....:shit:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    the tuition material i have is pretty big but i can burn it on to a disc and send it to you, pm me you're address and i'll send it out next week on CD