TOB routes ?

oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
edited June 2011 in Pro race
Does anyone know where to get "detailed" routes of the TOB stages?
The website just has start and end point with very little detail.
I particulalry want detailof last 8 miles of stage 4.


  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    If my memory serves me right - Last year they only released the routes in a full manual about 3 weeks before the race. Was very good though with exact places and roads and estimated times etc - just sign up for their twitter and facebook things and they will alert you - the race manual was a free pdf download.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    ThanksI will try that, I also emailed Graham Jones so hope to get reply.
    I want to watch the climb of Caerphilly mountain then get back to see the finish which should be possible as I will be on my bike :D
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    Why is the Scottish stage on the same day as the Skyride Glasgow to Edinburgh run? I'd have done both, but will now have to choose between them. Madness, but then again with the dire level of promotion for cycling in the UK I'm not surprised.