Buying from Ribble Valley.. should i?

alfacorsa Posts: 45
edited June 2011 in Road buying advice
Ive been looking for a full carbon bike and have wittled it down to a few bikes, one being the ribble gean fondo..

Has anyone dealt with them? I called them to see if i could test ride a gran fondo.. to me a reasonable request before shelling out nearly £3k on a bike and all i got was.. nope sorry but you can come into the store to see one and maybe sit on it!


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Sounds like an Indonsian scam
  • dodgerdog
    dodgerdog Posts: 292
    Bought from Ribble. Email sales service is not brilliant, but over the phone they are very helpful.

    GF is a great bike, to make it 3K you must be pimping it some!
    Allez Triple (hairy with mudguards) - FCN 4
    Ribble Gran Fondo
  • shane r
    shane r Posts: 326
    Just in the middle of getting a bike from Ribble.

    Best to say customer service has been spotty and at times non-existent. Towards the end of the deal it has been much better since. James has been the most helpful there.

    I spoke to the owner, James Dove (different James) and he admitted that CS wasn't their strong suit. But he basically said 'the orders keep flooding in' so, although this is not a great attitude it does make a case for the end product being good. Certainly good value.
    Coupla Road Bikes
  • Any idea (roughly) on delivery times for these ?

    Are we talking a couple of weeks, or more like a couple of months?

  • skyblue337
    skyblue337 Posts: 135
    Took about 3 weeks from sending my voucher to receiving the bike
  • Avezius
    Avezius Posts: 132
    I have just posted about my experience of buying a Ribble Gran Fondo here if youre interested:

    I went for the low end however - just over £1k. Love it!

    I fI was paying 3x that, I might have a different opinion on my experiences! :roll:
  • northpole
    northpole Posts: 1,499
    A few guys in my office have bought Ribble bikes - one has a gran fondo which came with ultegra - he has been delighted with it and experienced no problems in about a year of ownership. The value offered by Ribble and Planet X is hard to beat IMO.
