Cycling routes from La Herradura (near Malaga)

tyskie Posts: 252
edited June 2011 in Tour & expedition
I am off to Spain for a week shortly and will be staying in La Herradura which looks about 50km east of Malaga. Going with a non-cycling bunch of friends but am taking my bike with me to get a few rides in.

It looks like there's some serious mountains to cycle up in the area. Any information on good routes to take and any other advice would be gratefully received.


  • hdow
    hdow Posts: 186
    Get the Michelin Costa del Sol Zoom map (green cover) then go out & play.

    Alhama de Granada is well worth a visit as is Granada itself if you can manange. If you have plenty of time spend some of it in the Alpujarras

  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    Not rode out that far East of Malaga, but the roads immediately North East of Malaga (Puerto Leon, roads around Olias) are great. Watch out with the coastal roads that part of the world - they can be very very busy
  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    I second the recommendation for Alhama de Granada going via the reservoir at what's it called? Berengueles? - but isn't that a bit of a hike from Málaga?

    Michelin maps are very good - then highlight the most scenic routes in green - but keep an eye on the altitude figures as well.

    Also you can make use of the trains as well (although check at the station in advance about which trains you can and can't take a bike on).

    Have you checked or wikiloc (similar site in Spanish).

    Bear in mind it gets hotter than a very hot thing at this time of year (although cooler the higher you climb) so set off early so you canget the major climbs out of the way before it gets too hot.
  • tyskie
    tyskie Posts: 252
    Thanks for the replies. I'll check out the Michelin Zoom map and work out a few routes to plug in the Garmin. See what you mean about keeping an eye on the altitude figures. The mountain roads are considerably higher than I have done before. Alhama de Granada looks good but the most direct route there and back from La Herradura is 157km and 2848m ascent