Dog Bites



  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    wordnumb wrote:
    Seconded about the dog warden.
    Bit obvious but have you had a tetanus jab for the bite? There's a surprising amount of bacterial horror growing on most dogs' teeth.

    Thats true - but talk to any doctor or nurse about the nastiest bites to treat... Answer is invariably "Human" (I guess this varies in places with large shark/crocodile/alligator/snake/big cat populations)
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    The dogs only chase you because you're moving, usually biking away can make it worse.

    I get no end of dogs trying to bite me when I go around the local area, just stop, the dog then usually get worried what you're going to do and stops too, also that way if the dog is a total nutter you can hit it with the bike or your foot.

    I swung my bike at one little sh*t of a dog once, owner saw me from afar and thought he had a right to mouth because I was attacking his dog, I swiftly corrected the idiot in a pilot manner ;).