The Burgess Hill "Tour de Weald" Cyclosportive 12t

SRS Events
SRS Events Posts: 264

The Burgess Hill "Tour de Weald" Cyclosportive
12th June 2011

The Classic Route of the Burgess Hill Tour de Weald is regarded by some as the hardest cyclosportive in the South East thankfully this cyclosportive has four routes to choose from.

Classic 127 miles
Challenge 100 miles
Tour 65 miles
Kermesse 35 miles

Entries still available ! closing date 2nd JUNE

Find out more follow this link below[/url]


  • SRS Events
    SRS Events Posts: 264
    Late entries accepted
    Click here for details
  • SRS Events
    SRS Events Posts: 264
    Late entries accepted
    Click here for details
  • event numbers extended by 100 riders
    There is still time to enter :!:
  • PostieJohn
    PostieJohn Posts: 1,105
    Yet again another top quality event, you certainly have signing a route down to a fine art.

    As I said at the finish, the course was so much better, road quality wise, (not that there's anything you can do about that) than your Spring event, and that just about iced the cake.

    Because, as I said, all the rest is A+, the signage, facilities, the on course stops.

    Keep up the good work, it's much appreciated.

    All being well, we'll be seeing you again in October.

    Oh and I hope the fellas who wheel sucked, me and Col, for the first 30 miles made it round ok :lol:
  • PostieJohn
    PostieJohn Posts: 1,105
    Can I just check something.
    Is the Brighton to Brighton ride really on SATURDAY 08.10.11?
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    - I will second Postie John in saying what a great route this was .. Think this is my 4th srs event and definitely the best route out of them all ( Rumble, Spring Classic & Eastbourne sportive ). Nice, fast rolling course with a distinct lack of cars and the roads were pretty good too with no major potholes..
    I did go a bit astray though along with about 6 others before the Bodiam stop.. I think we spotted a sign from different or older event.. We got back on track after Bodiam but it cost us some time. We were on the Classic 126m route..
    Hey PostieJohn - were you the Dulwich Paragon guy or the tall bloke in blue or other fella in red helping him ? - all of these guys were keeping a fast avg from the start , I lasted 20 miles with them in a group of a 8 or so before the elastic snapped ! if I had tried a turn I would have just slowed you all down :)
    Shame the weather turned a bit nastier for the last two hours , it certainly ruined the views ! I will definitely pencil this one in again for next year - great course that I would recommend.. Well done SRS and thanks to all your helpers for a great event :)
  • SRS Events
    SRS Events Posts: 264
    We're glad you enjoyed the route - it was a shame that the weather was so bad at the end, but there is a sort of pleasure in finishing a hard event in adverse weather conditions.

    All the staff at SRS Events work very hard on the events to make sure all riders have a great day.
    Positive comments here make us all very happy that our hard work is appreciated.

    The next event is the 1066 cyclosportive and this too has some really great roads to ride on and if you enjoyed the Tour de Weald you will really enjoy the 1066.
    Plus we have booked good weather on the 3rd July so what could be better :lol:
    who won't enjoy the wonderful country roads of 1066 country with the added challenge of COB LANE hill at the end !

    Just so you all know the SRS Event BRIGHTON TO BRIGHTON CYCLOSPORTIVE IS ON THE 8TH OF OCTOBER and yes that is a Saturday. (you will need a day to recover before work after this event,)
    This is going to be an event not to be missed Starting and Finishing on Madeira Drive on Brighton's sea front it will be MASSIVE event in every way.

    More details to follow
    Hope you have all dried out from the Tour de Weald don't forget to put your positive comments on the website.

    Yours in Sport
    The SRS Events Team.
  • SRS Events
    SRS Events Posts: 264
    We're glad you enjoyed the route - it was a shame that the weather was so bad at the end, but there is a sort of pleasure in finishing a hard event in adverse weather conditions.

    All the staff at SRS Events work very hard on the events to make sure all riders have a great day.
    Positive comments here make us all very happy that our hard work is appreciated.

    The next event is the 1066 cyclosportive and this too has some really great roads to ride on and if you enjoyed the Tour de Weald you will really enjoy the 1066.
    Plus we have booked good weather on the 3rd July so what could be better :lol:
    who won't enjoy the wonderful country roads of 1066 country with the added challenge of COB LANE hill at the end !

    Just so you all know the SRS Event BRIGHTON TO BRIGHTON CYCLOSPORTIVE IS ON THE 8TH OF OCTOBER and yes that is a Saturday. (you will need a day to recover before work after this event,)
    This is going to be an event not to be missed Starting and Finishing on Madeira Drive on Brighton's sea front it will be MASSIVE event in every way.

    More details to follow
    Hope you have all dried out from the Tour de Weald don't forget to put your positive comments on the website.

    Yours in Sport
    The SRS Events Team.
  • PostieJohn
    PostieJohn Posts: 1,105
    SRS Events wrote:
    Just so you all know the SRS Event BRIGHTON TO BRIGHTON CYCLOSPORTIVE IS ON THE 8TH OF OCTOBER and yes that is a Saturday. (you will need a day to recover before work after this event,)
    This is going to be an event not to be missed Starting and Finishing on Madeira Drive on Brighton's sea front it will be MASSIVE event in every way.
    Ah pooh-bums, we work Saturdays, I, for one, was really looking forward to that as a season ending event, sadly I'll have to look elsewhere :cry:

    I Don't think that was us BAM.
    Col is relatively nondescript but I'm the idiot following him in a 'Z' jersey.
    Glad to hear we're not the only 2 lunatics, that insist in heading off @ 20+ mph. :lol:
  • jeepie1999
    jeepie1999 Posts: 78
    I know I could be accused of being a little impatient or even vain!! - But any clues as to when Sportive photo will upload their pics??
    (Hopefully I won't be looking too tired in an early one)
  • SRS Events
    SRS Events Posts: 264
    As soon as the photographer has dried out we should have the photos.
  • PostieJohn
    PostieJohn Posts: 1,105
    Also being stupidly impatient, and pretty ungrateful after all your hard work, but what about the results?
  • SRS Events
    SRS Events Posts: 264
    :lol: well the results and photos are on the Series Table page of the website for the Tour de Weald.
    Here is a link to that page.

    If you need any more assistance don't hesitate to ask
