Exam time of the year, parents are in America

ThisIsMyFaceOfRage Posts: 40
edited May 2011 in The Crudcatcher
Okay so I'm 15 and living in the UK whilst I finish my GCSE exams. My parents are in America and whenever they call, I'll be like messing around with photoshop and AE but I just tell them I'm studying, is that normal for everyone? But also, I don't give a shit about these exams, I know I should but I hate the theory behind it, getting tested by some exam board and then it affects my whole life, I don't feel its right and I don't want to get stressed over revision and stuff, normal?

EDIT:Should probably add I'm already sorted for college and university.


  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Yes quite normal. You can always sponge off the state when you are unemployable.
    Now go to bed like a good little child.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • cooldad wrote:
    Yes quite normal. You can always sponge off the state when you are unemployable.
    Now go to bed like a good little child.

    Its not that I suck at the subjects, I'm good at them I just don't want to revise, I do alright without revision, so I'm not going to end up unemployed, nice one DICK head :)
  • addivllangirb
    addivllangirb Posts: 322
    Congratulations your 15.
  • *AL*
    *AL* Posts: 1,114
    edited May 2011
    But also, I don't give a shoot about these exams, I know I should but I hate the theory behind it, getting tested by some exam board and then it affects my whole life

    You could always not 'get tested' at all, though that would affect your whole life even more.

    +1 for Cooldad too.
  • addivllangirb
    addivllangirb Posts: 322
    *AL* wrote:
    +1 for Cooldad too.

  • Well thank your guys, I posted this to find out if its normal thoughts and actions during exam period. Instead I have you dicks saying I'm going to be living of the streets. Just to let you know I average B - A grades without revision. I'm not a chav living in a council flat. I just don't want to revise.
    EDIT: Any of you guys part of /b/? You seem to be very good and putting people down and being trolls.
  • *AL*
    *AL* Posts: 1,114
    I posted this to find out if its normal thoughts and actions during exam period.
    I just don't want to revise.

    Is it normal for a teenager to think they're so smart, they don't need to work hard in order to succeed ?

    Sadly, all too frequently nowadays.
    I average B - A grades without revision.

    Invest some time in your future, do some revision and turn in some A* grades then, you fuckwit.
  • *AL* wrote:
    I posted this to find out if its normal thoughts and actions during exam period.
    I just don't want to revise.

    Is it normal for a teenager to think they're so smart, they don't need to work hard in order to succeed ?

    Sadly, all too frequently nowadays.
    I average B - A grades without revision.

    Invest some time in your future, do some revision and turn in some A* grades then, you fuckwit.

    Don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive anyway.
  • crazy88
    crazy88 Posts: 560
    I'd be more worried as to why your parents left you home alone when it's the most important exams of your life!
    Out with the old, in with the new here.
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    You really don't 'get' the crudcatcher. Go back to the hub where you belong. Stupid serious people...
  • crazy88
    crazy88 Posts: 560
    Out with the old, in with the new here.
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    gcse mean nothing if your doing high qualifications in a couple of years
    just make sure u get a c and above in maths and english
  • crazy88
    crazy88 Posts: 560
    I agree completely...to a point! If you get shizzy grades then you'll have to do more years later, like i did.

    However, leaving a wee baby at home alone verges on cruelty! Is it even legal to leave you alone? Can you wipe your own bum yet? :shock:
    Out with the old, in with the new here.
  • Pete-C
    Pete-C Posts: 353
    EDIT:Should probably add I'm already sorted for college and university.
    What do you mean your already sorted? Have you got an accepted place? If you don't like revising for wee school subjects your fucked when uni exams come about
    "Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt, then its hilarious"
    Pitch Comp
  • crazy88
    crazy88 Posts: 560
    Perhaps mummy and daddy bought him a place at uni?
    Out with the old, in with the new here.
  • Richie63
    Richie63 Posts: 2,132
    EDIT:Should probably add I'm already sorted for college and university.[/quote]

    Some 2bit African poly course from deepest Uganda .
    I'm going to blow the bank on a new build ( within reason ) NOW DONE!!
    http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss14 ... 010362.jpg
  • crazy88
    crazy88 Posts: 560
    Ahhhhh, I hadn't thought of that!

    I was wondering whether he applied through an email and got his degree through the post? Is your degree going to be in Arrogance?
    Out with the old, in with the new here.
  • Richie63
    Richie63 Posts: 2,132
    Well whatever it is it won't be in any social subjects with his attitude.
    I'm going to blow the bank on a new build ( within reason ) NOW DONE!!
    http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss14 ... 010362.jpg
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    You FOOL!

    OK, so revision is hard, and OK, you may get alight results without it, but WHY on EARTH would you be happy with your second best when you've just spent the last 13 years of your life preparing, essentially for these exams.

    So, maybe gcse results don't effect you too much in life, although employers DO look at your results and they DO care. But more than that, it's a matter of self pride! Do you have no interest in your own achievements?!

    Come on man! Work hard and feel good at the end of it! Nobody (well....) enjoys uphill's on a bike, but you do feel good at the end of it, especially when you see that sweet DH winding out in front of you!

    And, finally, having the "but I'm ok, so I cant be bothered" attitude is a shocking way to live... you will never succeed in life if you go on like that. Where is the ambition?! Also, it's hardly teaching you a good work ethic... You say your in Uni already, but, frankly, if you cant be bothered to revise for your gcse's, you wont be bothered to revise for your degree either, and Uni will be of about as much use as a toilet paper rain coat.

    Now get your head down, revise, and come out of your exams with a few A's and a good feeling!

    Now, I should probably get back to my own revision. :lol:
    I like bikes and stuff
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    *AL* wrote:
    I average B - A grades without revision.

    Invest some time in your future, do some revision and turn in some A* grades then, you fuckwit.

    very nice!!!!!!!
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Sounds like you need to see sense boy, if you have that attitude through the rest of your educational life you'll end up no where, we've all been there, well except jay12 and the other kids, work hard and life gives you back what you put in. I messed around in college and during my last year at school, straight A student through my GCSEs, thought I'd get away without too much revision, came out with average grades, mostly Bs, it got worse at college, I failed biology miserably and scraped a D in English, that just about got me to uni, along with my decent grades in media and film, which have led to a work placement at radio 1 among other things, so work hard, don't be a fuckwit and stop being a douche...
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    who is this douche bag!

    mate, get on with some revision, its a pain but it is worth it!

    I didnt revise and scraped through my GCSE's and i have done alright for myself but having been an academic type person i was never going to be a hiugher flyer without some serious hard work. I ended up doing an apprenticeship and working my balls off while everyone else was having a great time at uni

    I wish i had revised harder and learnt more and then maybe i wouldnt be sat in this office, but then again i might stilol be in the same job, whio knows
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    But also, I don't give a shoot about these exams, I know I should but I hate the theory behind it, getting tested by some exam board and then it affects my whole life, I don't feel its right.
    If we do not assess children during their education (and adults during their careers) how do you propose we work out who becomes a brain surgeon and who scrubs floors in a factory on the night shift?

    You are assessed many times during your life. It is FAIR and it is also necessary.

    However, you are not alone in not liking revision. I was the same. I did very little but had worked hard all through my school years and so did not really have much to gain from cramming.

    Good luck with your exams.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • montevideoguy
    montevideoguy Posts: 2,271
    Okay so I'm 15 and living in the UK whilst I finish my GCSE exams. My parents are in America and whenever they call, I'll be like messing around with photoshop and AE but I just tell them I'm studying, is that normal for everyone? But also, I don't give a shoot about these exams, I know I should but I hate the theory behind it, getting tested by some exam board and then it affects my whole life, I don't feel its right and I don't want to get stressed over revision and stuff, normal?

    EDIT:Should probably add I'm already sorted for college and university.

    This is a pure wind up. Nothing more.
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • Ransaka
    Ransaka Posts: 474

    Revise, get better grades, become wiser, never ask for sensible answers in the CC.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I think he's trolled all of you.
    I tilt my hat to you sir :lol:
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Except from his previous threads I think he's an idiot not a troll.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    No reason he can't be both.
    Nobody plays the fool like a wise man, and all that.