Short or Medium?

kfinlay Posts: 763
edited May 2011 in Workshop
Hi All,

When using a 12-25 cassette and 34/50 compact chainset (both campag) will I need a short or medium cage rear mech?

Also I take it there isn't a specific front mech required?


Summer Bike: Colnago C60
Winter Bike: Vitus Alios
MTB: 1997 GT Karakorum


  • Flamez
    Flamez Posts: 105
    I have a short cage and it works fine, and I have a 12/28 rear with a 50/34 front,

    Shimano ultegra 6700

    Getting the chain length right is critical when comparing top gear to bottom.

    Hth phil
    Condor World Series 2012
    Boardman Team 2011
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Short cage rear mech is fine. For the last few years, all Campagnolo double front mechs have been universal i.e. suitable for compact or standard - only triple is different.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..