Avid elixar brake bleed

Ian43 Posts: 172
edited May 2011 in MTB workshop & tech
I have a new bike with a slightly spongy lever which would indicate it needs bleeding, now i do not really want to go to the expense of buying a kit so I have read somewhere that it you put the brake pointing upwards and take out the bleed screw and leave overnight any air bubbles will rise and come out, is this true ?


  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675

    look at the rotor when you pull the brake. is it being moved?

    have you bedded the brakes in yet? do it.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    If its new take it back to shop and get it done under warranty. If you have to do it yourself theres bleed kits available for not too much on ebay. Be a shame to bodge it and possibly cause other problems.

    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • Ian43
    Ian43 Posts: 172
    I have not ridden it yet so no the brakes are not bedded in,I have ordered a cheapo bleed kit off ebay anyway just in case.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Ian43 wrote:
    I have not ridden it yet so no the brakes are not bedded in,I have ordered a cheapo bleed kit off ebay anyway just in case.

    then go and use it and dont worry about the brakes.

    try bleeding them and get it wrong and damage something then it will be your problem not the shops.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    Ian43 wrote:
    I have read somewhere that it you put the brake pointing upwards and take out the bleed screw and leave overnight any air bubbles will rise and come out, is this true ?

    I wouldn't bodge bleeding Elixirs, the 2 x syringe with clips could probably be bought more cheaply but when you do bleed them you'll want to stick to the proper method. Compared to the cost of getting an LBS to bleed them the kit isn't too £.
  • Ian43
    Ian43 Posts: 172
    No got the cyclonix one off fleabay for £11.50 should do the trick as its only the front one needs bleeding.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    so again.

    look at the rotor when you pull the brake. is it being moved?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Ian43
    Ian43 Posts: 172
    Not sure I quite understand but if you mean are the pads gripping the rotor when i pull the brake then the answer is yes, but the lever only bites once it is nearly all the way back to the bar.
  • 02gf74
    02gf74 Posts: 1,171
    really depends on what you mean by "spongyy".

    just been downstairs to check mine - front is rock solid and so is rear but slihtly softer due to longer hose; in that once the lever gets solid, it is very very hard to get asny more tavel when squeexing.

    as ^^^ say. if new bike, take to shop else buy pair of syringes off ebay. be patient when bleeding as it can take a lot of time 10 - 15 mins to get all the air out of the caliper ... you siit there for mni=inutes with no bubble thinking you are donee then they apperat ... ( I hate bleeding them)(
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Ian43 wrote:
    Not sure I quite understand but if you mean are the pads gripping the rotor when i pull the brake then the answer is yes, but the lever only bites once it is nearly all the way back to the bar.
    when the pads touch the rotor do they move the rotor?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Ian43
    Ian43 Posts: 172
    I would have to say no the rotor does not move, but I will double check when I get home from work.
  • Ian43
    Ian43 Posts: 172
    Pads do not move the rotor no just squeeze it as they are meant to.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    then there is air in the system.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Ian43
    Ian43 Posts: 172
    Thanks bleed kit is in the post anyway.
  • Ian43
    Ian43 Posts: 172
    Ok tell me what i am doing wrong here as i cannot seem to get the system pressurized, I assumed from the instructions i have seen that to bleed the hose you pushed on the caliper syringe while releasing the brake lever from its clamp at the same time, but according to this video she pushes on one syringe while pulling on the other while the lever is still clamped.
