Zero to hero...

jackmcd Posts: 185
OK familiar story

Bought road bike this year, struggling to get out as often as I would like to (usually casual Sunday jaunts), but have just signed up with some friends to do the Cumbrian Challenge in September... thought it would be a bit of a challenge but then my friend pointed this out "appealing to expert sportive riders who relish a magnificent challenge"... jeez!

That gives four months to get this 41 yr old that bairly walks to the car twice a day, to peak fitness cycling up mountain capability...

Is it going to be possible? Any tips?


  • Youre safe

    Its cancelled

    Crack open a beer :)
  • jackmcd
    jackmcd Posts: 185
    Whoops - got the name wrong - not the cancelled Cumbrian challenge, this one called the Cumbrian sportive "with approximately 6300 feet of climbing and 91 miles": ... n-sportive
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    It is possible but you will have to be very disciplined. You can write your own training plan or use someone else's: ... guide.aspx

    The big tip is to listen to your body and understand when it is just moaning because of the effort or really telling you to take a break. If you overdo it, you might end up with a strain/injury and have to take a few weeks out to let it heal, and you cannot afford that kind of time off given that you will be starting again afterwards (since you won't have a core fitness).

    Hence, make sure you take the odd day as a complete rest but try to do some gentle stretches on that day (after a decent walk) to make sure you keep supple. Might be worth seeing a physio after a few weeks and getting a nice stretch routine. yes, you can google the net but there is nothing worse than doing a good stretch badly.

    There's lots to learn (when to eat/drink, what to take, what to buy, setup, etc.) but just take it bit by bit (don't try and sort it all out at once). Get out there and start the miles and learning because there is no shortcut for that.

    Oh, best of luck. Come back and post when you have done it :)
  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    Bobbinogs wrote:

    Oh, best of luck. Come back and post when you have done it :)

    +1 :wink:
  • jackmcd
    jackmcd Posts: 185
    OK - sounds like I am getting into some serious stuff, but here goes :)

    Thanks for the tips and links - am also browsing online for a couple of sportives before then. Probably silly to enter the expert one as a first timer so will step up the training and get in at least a couple of others before then.

    I am sure I will be back for tips and advice before I attempt the big one...
  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    At least half the effort will be mental – the focus to train, the will to complete the ride rather than pack.