Welsh Etape

Boleynboy Posts: 83
Has anyone signed up for this new event?
100 miles on closed roads in North Wales on the 9th October.
Looks like a much tougher route than the Etape Caledonia, but the joy of closed roads makes it very enticing.


  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    Your post is the first I've heard of it.

    Looks like it's following the Caledonia set up with registration day before and roads closed to a rolling speed of 12mph.

    Agree it's probably much tougher especially if it has a genuine 2000m of climbing as opposed to Caledonia's claimed 2000 which is really 1000m.

    A course for climbers as opposed to a course for aspiring rouleurs!

    The date is a bit late in the year - taking chances with the mountain weather?

    Could though be a good addition to UK programme.
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • SDF64
    SDF64 Posts: 34
    Take a look at the posts under 'Etape Crymu - closed roads' for more comments about this event.

    http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtop ... ight=crymu

    Quite a few negative comments regarding the route and possible road conditions, not to mention the price :shock:

    Just in case anyone decides to point out my spelling mistake (Crymu not Cymru), that's the spelling on the original post, nothing to do with me :)
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    A similar and IMO better route for half the money

    http://www.sportivebike.com/sportive-ev ... -challenge

    26th June. I'm considering this one but still think £30 is a bit steep for what will probably be a fairly low key affair
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331

    Just seen the entry list for that mega challenge

    http://www.sportivebike.com/sportive-ev ... -challenge

    25 entries so far . . . . I may as well just go and ride the roads on my own for free. Shame