Inclusive education tvm Essex County Council!



  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Pah, don't you know its the new rock, paper, stone

    everyone knows mong with pirelli beats unarmed normal child

    The way to beat mong with pirelli is disgruntled parent with gat gun

    Hope your nipper is ok by the way, and +1 to the duty of care to all pupils bit. Mrs G works as a teacher and some of the stunts 5 year olds try to pull are worrying, but she always steps in to stop them. Even more amazing is when she informs the parents and they back their little spac (sorry can't say that now, non pc,) scoper then, of a child. And according to Mrs g, the first thing that the special child needs to understand is the fact that things like that are wrong, before any kind of normal education.

    I can understand the special nature resulting in leniany with regard to punishment and more of an education approach to it than chatisement, but to not intervene is both ridiculous and dangerous!!
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt