200 IAD for a punter

Been mountain biking a bit for ages but never did more than 65 miles in a day on or off road. Last year I got myself a slightly lighter hybrid bike and so have been out a bit on the roads. I've done a couple of centuries this year and would really like to do 200 miles in a day. However I don't fancy doing it on my own as it would be hideously dull and too much like hard work.

So what's the best way of getting it done. When I did my first 100 miler earlier this year I did the standard ride with Seamons and then tacked on an extra 40 on my own afterwards. That worked fine but wouldn't be an option for an extra 140 miles.

Anyone fancy a long ride some afternoon this summer, or know of any events running that don't dissalow drafting that I could enter?
