Sort of new!

Tutterz Posts: 27
edited May 2011 in MTB beginners
Evening! As the post states i'm sort of new :) I used to ride and build my own MTB's when i was younger and got pretty skilled while i was at it, doing decent sized drops and quite a lot of DJ on an 05 Specialized P.1 with a few subtle but worthy mods, after passing my driving test I lost all interest in riding and sold both my p.1 and a bmx that i had only bought 8 months before, 3-4 years later i've realised how much i miss all forms of riding and how much exercise it gives you as well as keeping you fit!
So i've dove right back in at the deep end, bought myself another BMX which i plan on taking up the DJ's near where I live over summer and I also picked this up off another member on here last night which i'm over the moon about

I plan on getting out and riding at least once a week if not twice or thrice! Really looking forward to getting back into it as i'm one of those people who finds going to the gym, running etc really boring, if i dont find the activity fun the chances are i wont do it which is where the bikes come in!
since passing my test ive put on a huge wod of weight and i now weigh in the 18/19 stone mark so theres a few adjustments i need to make to the bike before i thrash it down some of the local trails, mainly upgrading the spring in the fork and putting more air in the rear shock and i should be good to go, ive just got a few noob questions is all as ive never had a bike with this many bells and whistles on it :shock:

Would my LBS be able to pump up my rear shock and order me in a stiffer spring for the RS pikes? and one more thing, super stupid mistake when trying to fit the bike into my car after I picked it up, when trying to take the front wheel off i realised the forks got no drop outs, a fork of which i've never come across or used before and when pulling the quick release out a spring bounced off and went straight down the drain, even then i still couldnt figure out how to take the wheel off :oops:
the spring ive worked out was between the plastic cup like parts of the quick release spline and the hub/fork, any idea where i can get another one!?
i can take a picture if its needed as i still have the other one :lol:

Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things as so much has changed the past 5 years! I even had to google what a 29er was the other night lol :shock:


  • Verta
    Verta Posts: 24
    Cracking looking bike :wink:

    I'm sure all LBS's will pump up your shock no bother, I'd invest in a shock pump though - this gives you the flexibility to make the shock more squishy if your doing bigger stuff, they are only ~£20 for a cheap one online and I've seen them for £25 in Halfords. As for the Pike spring it's fairly easy to replace, TF Tuned (who serviced the Pikes for me) do the part for £46 here: ... Pike-Parts and have instructions on their website here: ... tting.aspx - if your not comfortable doing that I'd personally buy the spring yourself and get your LBS to fit it, I was quoted £90 for a firm spring when I was toying with the idea of getting one.

    Now on to the case of the front axle - what is on the Pitch is called a Maxle 360 (SRAM have an explanation and "how to" video here - you need to flick the QR skewer back on itself and turn the whole Maxle around until it comes out as shown in the video. What I *think* has happened is you have undone the QR skewer that is within the Maxle unit itself - I'm not sure what spring this will be (maybe someone else can clarify) or even if it's needed for it to work correctly - if it does need it you can pick up a whole new QR skewer assembly for the pikes for £25 from TF Tuned here: ... 4311722000

    Hope that helps mate :)

    PS. I'm not stalking you, honest. I just searched to see if you had posted any pics of the Pitch :) (for the confused people: I sold Tutterz the Pitch)
  • Tutterz
    Tutterz Posts: 27
    Cheers mate that's answered my questions and even more! The links are great, been a huge help!
    I will be investing in a shock pump in the near future but I'm now skint for a month or so :P but totally worth it! :D
    Your right about what I done when attempting to take the wheel off, tried to take it out like i would on previous bikes i've had where you undo the QR then unscrew the the nut on the other side until you can slide the wheel out from the drop-outs, complete noob mistake but now i know!
    Thanks again man, if i ever need specific help about the bike that i cant find answers for on google i might have to send you a PM if you don't mind :)