Rode a marathon today! (and a bit more)

Dalton Posts: 265
edited May 2011 in Commuting chat
Am really pleased with myself today!

Not only have I managed 5 commutes by bike this week, which is a first for me, but I also managed over 100 miles in a week - another first.

This morning Garmin stat's were 68 miles covered over 4 days. I had set the target of 100 miles after day 1 (Monday). To be honest though, I didn't think I would achieve it.

This morning I rode to work (just under 7 miles), meaning I needed to ride 25 miles home to achieve my target.

I finished work at 2:15 and the sun was shining, so was looking forward to a nice ride. (soon found out it was very windy, despite the glorious sunshine!).

I rode the long way home - which is 15 miles, but had plenty left in the tank. So thought to myself - what's another 10 miles! ?

Anyway, commute home ended up being 27 miles - on my trusty Langster, fully laden with two panniers and a rack.

Got home and I felt great - had hardly broken a sweat. But managed to complete 27 miles in 1hr 50mins, meaning 14.7mph average speed - which I am chuffed with to be honest, considering I had already ridden to work, worked 8 hours and bike was loaded.

So - managed 102.21 miles this week, yippee!

(Not bad considering before Monday, I hadn't sat on bike for 3 months)


  • deptfordmarmoset
    deptfordmarmoset Posts: 3,118
    (Not bad considering before Monday, I hadn't sat on bike for 3 months)

    From nought to a hundred in a week is pretty impressive, particularly as you were still up for a few extra miles at the end of the week. And with a laden bike that's a very decent average - way faster than me. Say hello when you overtake me :lol:
  • Dalton
    Dalton Posts: 265
    The icing on the cake - I weighed myself this morning and have shifted 3 pounds since last Sunday. Which is a great start to my target loss of 2 stones.

    Feeling a little sore today, but hope to refuel myself and be ready for the commute in the morning.