Indoor Bike Storage

Secteur Posts: 1,971
edited May 2011 in Road buying advice
I would like to somehow hang my bike on the garage wall, rather than it always being leant against whatever is nearest (resulting in my missus keep knocking it over when she walks by it).

Are there any "systems", or do I just buy two big ladder hooks?


  • Muztard
    Muztard Posts: 160
    I have two bikes in my office both on these..... they work great. ... yId_242557
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    The top bar of my bike has a cable running along its underside - will those hooks not affect the cable?
  • Muztard
    Muztard Posts: 160
    Secteur wrote:
    The top bar of my bike has a cable running along its underside - will those hooks not affect the cable?

    Sorry no idea as I have internal cables on both frames.
  • oscar-j
    oscar-j Posts: 269
    why isn't she in the kitchen?
  • Wh05apk
    Wh05apk Posts: 35
    All of my wall space is taken up by shelving so I simply hang a rope from the rafters with a small loop on the end, after passing the rope through a small piece of pipe insulation I can then lift the rear of the bike by the seatnose. Total cost about 20p!
  • bigpikle
    bigpikle Posts: 1,690
    I got one of the Pendle wall racks some time ago and its great ... --MCH.html

    I've tried cheap hooks, ladder hooks etc and they can work just as well if you only have 1 bike, but I manage to hang 2 on there comfortably, as well as numerous spare tyres and inner tubes etc. Personally I've never had any issues with cables under the top tube - there is enough slack in them when the brakes arent being pulled that there is no issue.

    The additional central metal hoop is also useful for locking the bikes to if you make sure the bracket is securely bolted to the wall in the first place.
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