The why am I stuck in my office morning thread



  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Evening, well I'm at work all evening until 2am on the same job I did yesterday. Hopefully tonight I won't have the hour delay after two coked up scrotes decided to punch a girl in the face on my train, was fun to see one try to headbut a copper only to be felled by the other 8 police that decended on him
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    matthew h wrote:
    Today's a pretty good day, I've got to go to the doctors to be checked over soon, I was hit by a car on my way home and because I'm under 18 it's the law. Then it's off to a hockey tournament, I'll be in the pads but I'd rather be outfield undercutting it into the top left corner but you can't have everything. I'll just have to make an effort to take out the opposition then.

    What happened?
    stupid driver tried to overtake when I was moving around a parked car and oncoming traffic aswell. I only came away with minor cuts and bruises luckily