Wimbledon Common Single Track

scooda Posts: 2
edited May 2011 in Routes
I have read that there is some singletrack in Wimbledon Common, the location is a bit vague. Can anyone describe in detail how to find this location please.


  • piquet
    piquet Posts: 83
    Cycling on the Commons

    We have many permitted cycle paths on Wimbledon Common and Putney Heath and these are marked with the blue 'Cycle Route' signs which are fixed to posts along the paths. We would ask any cyclist using the Commons to be aware that these are shared paths and priority should be given to pedestrians and especially horses, which do share adjacent paths in some cases. Please note that the rule of thumb for cycling on the Commons is that if a path does not say you can cycle on it, then it is NOT a cycle route.

    In the interests of safety, please do keep an eye your speed to a safe level - children, dogs and walkers can appear from anywhere!

    We understand the frustration of many cyclists, particularly those of you with mountain bikes, that we do not permit you to cycle on paths not marked as 'Cycle Routes'. The reason for this is that many areas of the Commons are environmentally sensitive and whilst one bike here and there would probably not cause any damage, lots of bikes going 'off-piste' would cause significant problems to these sensitive areas. Please respect the environment and help us to keep the Commons a safe habitat for all the flora and fauna that exists here.

    A map of permitted cycle paths is displayed at various points on the Commons and a copy is available from The Ranger's Office.

    Further information can be obtained from The Ranger's Office, Manor Cottage Wimbledon Common, Tel: 020 8788 7655 or by email
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Pretty much what is often posted around many common lands.

    Go sneaky ;)
  • nc1584
    nc1584 Posts: 14
    Go exploring, that's what I do....
    2010 Specialized Stumpjumper Elite
    2010 Whyte 905 (stolen)

    2010 was an expensive year!