Eurosport Player - On Demand

mostly harmless
mostly harmless Posts: 162
edited May 2011 in Pro race
Quick question that google doesn't appear to be able resolve: If I subscribe to Eurosport Player is the Giro highlights programme available to view at my leisure (on demand) as I won't be able to view the 1800 or the 2330 slots.

Thanks in advance



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Pretty sure it's just 'live' programming...
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Beware. There are a lot of problems going on there.
    Check out the forums to see.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    It was only live programming when I had it last for skiing back in February.
  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    They do have the video eventually but sans sound. But a watch again a la iPlayer no. I've had Eurosport player for a couple of years now. You do need some pooter grunt to run it but it beats the **** out of ITV(non)player or Cycling TV. As usual M/soft buggers it around Silverlite especially so I run it in Chrome or Mozzarella
    Help I'm Being Oppressed
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    from Support Video
    to Andy Rubio <>
    date 3 May 2011 15:25
    subject Eurosport Player GB #0018643


    Thank you for your enquiry.

    Due to rights restrictions, many of the cycling events are not available as Video on Demand. However, repeats and highlights are broadcast throughout the event. Please refer to schedules for more information. ... dule.shtml

    Best regards,
    The Eurosport Player team.

    Odd, since with Sky+ I can do exactly what they suggest I'm not allowed to do. I unsubscribed, it's pretty useless.
  • alex16zx
    alex16zx Posts: 153
    Yep, it's a good service for watching live but the on demand stuff, with no sound, is pretty pointless.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    I spent ages last year trying to figure out if there was a way to record the Eurosport player footage but never got it to work. If you leave the coverage running all day it eventually stops until you click on the play button again. I found a little program that could keep clicking on the play button automatically, and another program that could record video footage from a predefined area of the screen at a particular time.

    It didn't work, for reasons I never quite figured out.