Facing a Ti frame for a Hollowtech II Bottom Bracket?

Fluffbomb Posts: 20
edited May 2011 in MTB workshop & tech

I've just got my Ti hardtail out of storage and have obtained a Hollowtech II crankset to fit to ir. Now I recall it being recommended that the bottom bracket shell be faced so that the cups align properly (otherwise the bearings wear out faster).

I'm wondering if this is necessary in this case as firstly the frame is unpainted and secondly being a Merlin USA produced bike I'd hope the manufacturing tolerances would be pretty tight.

Anybody got any experience or opinions?




  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    get it checked, lack of paint or make mean nothing.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    nicklouse wrote:
    get it checked, lack of paint or make mean nothing.

    Indeed! My (unpainted) ti bike came made up with an external bottom bracket from an online store. I'd specifically asked them to face the bottom bracket first, which they said they'd done.

    The thing squeaked and creaked like a b*tch so I had to take it to my LBS to get it checked out. It hadn't been faced at all, so they did it - end of problem.

    Motto: ti frames, even unpainted, may well need facing!

    a serious case of small cogs