Scared of going clipless...



  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Well it's all ordered, and should be in my sweaty hands before the weekend.

    All the stories of falling over aren't helping!!

    Can't wait, though!
  • You need to worry more about clipping in than out.
    Takes lots of practice to get your second foot in when you need to in a hurry
  • west green
    west green Posts: 134
    A second hand bike I bought last September came with Look pedals, so like a previous poster, i jtook the plunge and bought Shimano shoes, got the shop to fit Look cleats whilst I was there, went and practised, fell over a couple of times, pure embarresment but no harm to myself or the bike. Never looked back and now I love it, and will convert my other 2 to clipless (from flat). Sometime a bit slow from the lights, and a bit hairy when negotiating tight turns in traffic at slow speeds - but have got used to it. if you're commute doesn't involve London traffic then i wouldn't think twice about recommending it.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    The pedals arrived today, the shoes should be along tomorrow (or worst case scenario Monday), so will have a good play tomorrow night, and then out for a long early morning ride on Sunday to test them out properly!