Reporting crimes in Majorca

careful Posts: 720
edited May 2011 in The bottom bracket
My wallet with all my plastic and cash was lifted during my trip to Majorca last week (pretty sure it was a pick-pocket in Paguera). My hotel contacted local police for me, they told me to report it to the Guardia Civil at Palma Nova (about 10 miles away). To be honest I knew there was no hope of getting any of it back but I needed a police report so that I could claim some of the cash back on my insurance. Guardia Civil weren't interested unless I brought an interpreter (even though I speak a little Spanish). Apparently the interpreter has to be someone who is very fluent in both English and Spanish.
Without cash or transport (other than my bike) an interpreter was impossible.
As expected, the insurance wouldn't play ball without a report. Anyone had a similar experience - what should I have done (apart from keeping a tighter grip on the wallet?


  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    Should have dialled 112. That is emergency services in your own language.
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Visited the British Consulate in Palma. Says on their website they could have helped you with an interpreter: ... ong/crime/
  • careful
    careful Posts: 720
    Thanks Sirius631, but actually the consulate site says they will "provide a list of interpreters", not the actual interpreter. So I would have had to obtain the list, either by visiting the consulate or phoning them, and then contact an available interpreter - all of whom charge fees plus transport. Then I would need to travel to the Guardia Civil again. All of this on my bike and with only the money I could scrounge from mates. The consulate site also says:
    Report any incidences of theft to the local police. You will need a police statement to claim against your travel insurance

    As for dialling 112, a good suggestion but I didnt actually see the thief take the wallet so there isnt much they could have done at the scene. The local police claimed (in perfect English) that they have no-one who speaks English. It was they who told me to go to the Guardia Civil. I guess they would have said the same following a 112 call. They just werent interested and I guess it is a way of massaging local crime statistics. Apparently in UK it is normal for the police to find interpreters when needed. Makes me wonder about "a single Europe" and about the point of insurance for things like theft when outside UK.