Langster owners

evilollie Posts: 148
edited May 2011 in Commuting general

I am looking for feedback from langster owners, I like the look of the 2010 model

However I can get the 2011 model , the difference that I can see is the brake levers they look like chicken levers & not on the drops

Can anyone comfirm,?

Also I'm 5'11 it would look like the 56 cm is the best size

Any comments appreciated


  • Blue Meanie
    Blue Meanie Posts: 495
    Mrs Meanie rides a 52" and she's 5'9" with a lot of seat post showing ( it's an '09), she's got long legs vs torso (girl basically) so 56" sounds good for you if you like it long. (I guess you're a bloke?)
    Personally, i'm not a fan of the Langster (Low BB height) and a bit ubiquitous. Cheap wheels (spokes, rims and hubs) and if you upgrade why did you buy it?
    The fork has 'safety blobs' (nubbins that stop your wheel falling out if you forget to tighten it) and spacers on the track nuts to compensate - file them off and remove spacers.
    Brake levers are model spec'd - stock get 'hoods' and 'specials' get 'chickens' - Check your Model and Spec and a good bike shop should adjust to your liking.
    Lifetime warranty from Specialized on the frame (unless you file off the nubbins and cable guides for rear brake - who wants a rear brake?)
    BB is awkward to replace (68 x 110 njs) and will need it in 5k miles.
    Actually a really good ss bike, i'm just a Meanie - don't let me put you off :twisted:
    FCN16 - 1970 BSA Wayfarer

    FCN4 - Fixie Inc
  • evilollie
    evilollie Posts: 148
    Thanks for the feedback , I was looking at a pompino as a possible as well . It looks a better option IMO

    Yeah I'm a bloke
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    I'm 5'11" and ride a 56 Allez and Tricross single, the only difference between the set-up of the two is the Tricross has 20mm longer stem.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • evilollie
    evilollie Posts: 148
    Thanks , undecided which to go for