HELP - I've lost my Mojo

Muttly1981 Posts: 815
edited May 2011 in MTB general
Been up to Llandegla today for the first time since i had a big fall about 6 weeks ago, i've been riding local since and haven't had any real problems hitting jumps etc but today i've really struggled.
It seems like i've lost my riding mojo as i was dabbing the brakes when not needed, taking chicken runs when in the past i wouldn't think twice about going big, even wearing my full face didn't make me feel anymore confident in what i was doing, i hit the twins on the red run but didn't know weather to jump or roll them so ended up with a small jump but drifting to the left with poor landings. My shoulders are pretty sore as i was tensing up all of the time and not letting my elbows absorb the impacts.
Is this normal behaviour after a big crash as it was my first real injury on a mountain bike since a 10 year lay off? Or is it my brain telling me i can't afford to lose another weeks pay. :?
What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?


  • Whenever I loose my Mojo I generally find it under my chair at home. Best to have a look whilst relaxing with a tin of beer! Next time out just slow the pace down a bit and allow your Mojo to catch up with you and you will be just fine.
    My Kayaking Blog
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    for some folk it runs straight off them like water off a ducks back, for others, it can take a long time to recover.

    the people who fall off a lot tend to recover more quickly, folk like yourself for whom a big crash is a new thing could well take longer, its perfectly natural.

    i would say that you have done the right thing already and got out on your bike.

    keep it up and your confidence will come flying back.
  • Stu 74
    Stu 74 Posts: 463
    I had a nasty crash in Penmachno a couple of years ago that resulted in broken ribs and a major loss in confidence. Although I never crashed jumping, it was jumping that I had a problem with after the crash.

    The best thing is to slow down a little and take your time over potentially risky features such as jumps. If you don't fancy tackling something, don't force yourself to do it!

    Any negativity, even in your subconscious, will make you more likely to crash again.

    Gradually you will get your conifdence back and will be riding better than ever!

  • Muttly1981
    Muttly1981 Posts: 815
    for some folk it runs straight off them like water off a ducks back, for others, it can take a long time to recover.

    the people who fall off a lot tend to recover more quickly, folk like yourself for whom a big crash is a new thing could well take longer, its perfectly natural.

    i would say that you have done the right thing already and got out on your bike.

    keep it up and your confidence will come flying back.

    Cheers for the pep talk Sheeps, i'm sure i'll hit the jumps again but i guess it's true that time is a great healer and thats what i need to give it.
    One thing is for sure my arms and hands were sore today i must have been holding on for dear life but on the plus side i posted a new pb of 1hr 5 for a lap of the red run and also made it from the carpark to the top of the climb in one go :D
    What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?
  • its your subconcious. you had the big fall at llandegla (im presuming) so its at the back of your mind as youre riding. making you more caucious than you normally are. Time will sort it out.

    or you could just MTFU !! lol
    2011 Rockhopper Comp
    24/Seven Deviant.
    Orange Diva (for the bint)
  • mattyg2004
    mattyg2004 Posts: 196
    I was there yesterday.

    1st time and wow what a different place from delamere. I'm fairly unfit and that 1st climb was nasty had to stop 3/4 way up and head between legs. Made worse when a 12 girl goes flying past. ho hum.

    As for confidence I came off doing a bunny hop over a speed bump at about 5 mph. Now that dents your confidence. Smacked my head on the concrete pretty hard and had double vision for ten mins. Still carried on another 8 miles though. Well you have to when your only 100m into a ride when you come off.

    If anyone was there yesterday ( sunday) and saw someone being pushed up any of the inclines by a mate. Well hello twas me
  • timpop
    timpop Posts: 394
    It's all in your head. Keep at it and you will overcome it. It's fear creeping in and causing you to falter and second guess things. It's like a switch, mind over matter and all that. Look inside and find that switch that brings your mojo and your focus back. Getting a pb is a good thing so keep riding and work your way back into it.
    Free your mind and your wheels will follow.
    Many happy trails!
  • Fenred
    Fenred Posts: 428
    A little bit of fear keeps you sharp and gets the adrenaline pumping :D
  • lofty102
    lofty102 Posts: 138
    Have you thought about doing a few runs on some blue trails to get your confidence back, before going back on the trail where you crashed?

    Might help might not!!

    Hope your Mojo comes back as swiftly as it went!

    Good luck mate :D
    2010 Mondraker Factor RR
    2014 canyon ultimate cf 9.0 sl
    2016 Planet x pro carbon
    2017 Scott Spark 730
  • Muttly1981
    Muttly1981 Posts: 815
    Guess i've just got to keep riding untill i feel comfortable again, sounds easy enough!!!

    Got to see the doctor tomorrow as yesterday i realised that changing gear was still hurting my thumb. I checked it out when i got home and noticed that from the base of my thumb to the first knuckle is bending upwards and the knuckle still swollen, i guess i didn't put it back in joint properly after that crash :? One things for sure he'll earn his money tomorrow treating a bant thumb, chest infection and steroid injection to try and ease De Quervain's tendovaginitis in my wrist (football injury). The thumb pain could also be making me think twice about going all out aswell so if i can get that fixed it's happy days

    I actually though about doing a few laps of the blue run just to get back into the swing of things but I wanted to force myself to face my fear and hit the red run straight out, next time i'll probably hit the red again but noticed that JJ jumps has reopened so may need to MTFU and hit them :D
    What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?
  • timpop
    timpop Posts: 394
    If you do that do a nice warm up ride to get into the rhythm. You'll be fine, honest. Speed is your friend.
    Many happy trails!
  • Muttly1981
    Muttly1981 Posts: 815
    timpop wrote:
    If you do that do a nice warm up ride to get into the rhythm. You'll be fine, honest. Speed is your friend.

    I've been riding local spots since 7 days after my fall (knee was still swollen and covered in scabs) and although not as fast as Llandegla i've been riding technical stuff, when riding local i'm fine (not going quite as big as normal) it was just that run at the weekend that had me on edge pretty much all the way around even though i know the course pretty well. I wish the rain hadn't moved in as i think i'd have had more confidence the second time around but i'll make up for that the next time we go.

    I went straight into the shop for kneepads

    The oddly shaped thumb
    What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?
  • Muttly1981
    Muttly1981 Posts: 815
    Well the thumb pain turns out to be a broken thumb :oops: no wonder changing gear hurt like hell. Been told no riding untill the end of June so it can finish healing and to let the swelling go down. Anyway off for a ride out see you all later :twisted:
    What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?
  • timpop
    timpop Posts: 394
    Ouch! Good call getting knee pads. You're doing all the right things, it just takes some time for your head to clear and on a really nice day it'll click and you'll be flying again. Maybe a little less attack and more like 'feel' the trail. I'm a bit of a hippy.
    Take it easy and have fun!
    Many happy trails!
  • timpop
    timpop Posts: 394
    That's a difficult one but the docs right, you need to let that heal properly or it'll hurt forvever. Maybe not til june though. If you do go out try to stay in your middle ring then you won't have to use your thumb.
    Many happy trails!
  • mkf
    mkf Posts: 242
    i had the same problem with jumping, braking and not carrying enough speed.

    so i tried the new blue run at llandegla and it helped me get it back.

    how did a blue run help?

    llandegla one can be hit fast, there are undulations in the trail, not jumps but because your hitting them fast you take off over them.

    this enabled me to get take off timing back and most importantly it got me back the control when the bike is in the air,you know, that timless floaty feeling.

    when you get it back dont be over confident on your first red run or it back to squre one.
    good luck go get the flowjo man :P