new commute.....

badly_dubbed Posts: 1,350
edited May 2011 in Commuting general
hey folks,

just after a bit advice here...

im about to be paid off at my job working in the yard for jewsons however my manager came to me today and told me basically theres a job free in dundee, which is 25miles from me.

i dont drive (i can drive i just dont) therfore this would now mean cycling 50 miles ish a day for work. 25 there at 0600am and 25 back at 1700.

6 days a week.

the job is the same as what i do right now so i can walk into it no questions, the only problem is that its manual intensive, slab lifting, bags of sand plasterboard bricks - all day.

i do around 200miles a week on the bike as is, just not commuting.

i dont want to agree to the job then end up having to bum lifts everyother day cos im tired, my only rest day effictively will be a sunday, which at present i enjoy having a good 70-80 miles with my club.

any thoughts?


  • jonny_trousers
    jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
    Tough, but quite doable. You will need a fast, comfortable ride, however.
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    Depending on your personal fitness and time constraints, that's do-able BUT come winter, it might not be quite as bearable.

    I'm now on a 40 mile rounder, thankfully have the backup of public transport. I'd personally look into a scooter or 125cc bike and mix it up if you don't have PT available.
  • badly_dubbed
    badly_dubbed Posts: 1,350
    i can get a car, i just hate them they do my head in lol (strange i know)

    why pay to ride the road when i can cycle and get more enjoyment....for free?

    im fit...without blowing my own trumpet can do sunday runs 75-80milers at 20mph+ avg and shorter runs faster, but ive never hard the onset of 50 miles a day everyday plus a 9hr shift.
  • cyberknight
    cyberknight Posts: 1,238
    iPete wrote:
    Depending on your personal fitness and time constraints, that's do-able BUT come winter, it might not be quite as bearable.

    I'm now on a 40 mile rounder, thankfully have the backup of public transport. I'd personally look into a scooter or 125cc bike and mix it up if you don't have PT available.

    +1 you might be super fit but is always a good idea to have a non bike back up plan for those days when you need to get back quick, need a rest or the weather really suxx..
    FCN 3/5/9
  • jeremyrundle
    jeremyrundle Posts: 1,014
    Surely the question is

    Can I do it if I have a cold, it is snowing heavily with icy roads and return in the same day after day in winter?

    Also, if you have off days could you get a bus/train
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  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    50 miles a day, 6 days a week, & a manual intensive job?

    That's ~90 minutes riding each way, with an active 8-hour day in between, so you're not really resting from 6am to 6:30/7pm.

    You'll be wrecked after 3 days.

    Have a backup plan to get to Dundee.