The new bike...

phantomx0_1 Posts: 50
edited May 2011 in Your mountain bikes
Picked up my Trek Fuel EX9 today. No time to get out on it today but hitting the trails tomorrow. Cant wait!!

A few quick pics







  • *AL*
    *AL* Posts: 1,114
    Looks familiar :wink:

    Good choice, now go and get it dusty !
  • pioneer68
    pioneer68 Posts: 56
    Great bike, got last years EX9, really like that paint job too.
    Trek Remedy 9.9 (custom) 2011
    Santa Cruz Tallboy LTc (custom)
    Trek Stache 8 2013
  • phantomx0_1
    phantomx0_1 Posts: 50
    Hit a few of the local trails this morning 40ish miles. Im very impressed with the bike. being my first full suspension im please with how it climbs the hills, I thought it would have sapped some of the energy out of me! A few tweaks to the gears and brakes and now she is set up for me. Also swapped the bonty tyres for my trusted Maxxis Advantage and the white grips have gone for a pair of ODI Yeti lock on's in black which I prefer.

    All in all seems a awesome bit of kit, very smooth. Off out again tomorrow to give it aniother thrashing!!

    Loving IT!!!!