Lightweight commuter bike for £700

Rach55 Posts: 2
edited May 2011 in Commuting general
Due to a recent incident with a car (:cry: but thankfully the bike took the worst and I only got bumps and bruises) I am looking for a commuter bike to replace my pinnacle borealis 3.0. As I live in a first floor flat i need to lug my bike up and down stairs every day and so the most important thing for me is the weight, however ergonomic handles, gears and the ability to fit a rear rack are also necessary. My Pinn weighed about 10.5kg and was ok so something not heavier than this bike would be great. I'm 5ft 10 as well so tend to have the large frame size. Does anyone have a good suggestion?? I've been recommended the treks but they seem quite heavy to me (the tyres are wider than on my Pinn though so that might be why). Thanks!


  • You should try and have a look at the Boardman bikes at Halfords, the only bad word I ever hear about them is that the final build can be a bit variable, depending on how good the Halfords mechanic is. If you're comfortable checking the bike over yourself, though, they are a pretty decent bargain.
  • Nulli
    Nulli Posts: 29
    I have a Trek 7.5fx which I use for commuting. I think its a good bike and IMO fairly light?

    Trek 7.5fx
  • Avenarius
    Avenarius Posts: 2
    I second the 7.5fx recommendation. Mine is bedecked with mudguards, rack, and a reasonably hefty lock, and I cheerfully (well, not that cheerfully) carry it up to a second floor landing at home, and down to a basement at work. I'm not entirely sure how much it weighs, but it's certainly manageable.
  • kelsen
    kelsen Posts: 2,003
    Unless you get carbon or titanium, which will be way over your £700 budget, I'd say there isn't going to be a massive difference in weight between the various bikes available. Maybe don't get too hung up over weight and just go for one you like. Carrying it up and down those stairs will just be a bonus training session.