Kinetics in Glasgow - anyone had problems with them??

Brassknocker Posts: 209
edited January 2012 in The bottom bracket
sorry, not sure which forum to stick this on...

I feel a bit guilty as I suggested to my old man to buy something for his Brompton from Kinetics in Glasgow, (he's always prefered using local bike shops and is suspicious of the internet), but I suggested he try them - and he's now having problems with them.

Does anyone know if they've gone bust or has anyone had poor customer service from them in the past?

He ordered something from them with delivery time of upto 2 weeks. It's now been over 5 weeks, no goods delivered, unable to use the 'check account status' link on their website, and attempts to call them just ring out and emails remain unanswered.

Would be good to hear about anybody's experiences of these guys. I was planning to buy a Brompton gear upgrade from them, but am now looking elsewhere.



  • Brassknocker
    Brassknocker Posts: 209
    Bump - Anyone used these guys?

    They're still not answering their phone and not replying to emails... anyone know if they've gone bust?

    Pretty poor customer service it has to be said.
  • -spider-
    -spider- Posts: 2,548
    Sorry - never used them in my Glasgow days (or is that daze?). Only ever heard one report about them and that was ok.

  • carrock
    carrock Posts: 1,103
    looked on website shop is a one man band- literally one guy

    Maybe he's ill??
  • carrock
    carrock Posts: 1,103
    looked on website shop is a one man band- literally one guy

    Maybe he's ill??
  • Brassknocker
    Brassknocker Posts: 209
    ...well, it must be approaching 3 months now. The (I must admit) quite chirpy & friendly guy on the other end of the phone said a few weeks back ..."it'll arrive in a few days", It hasn't yet!

    For anyone googling "Kinetics Glasgow" that reads this - beware, they're either, at best, very ....very .......very .........very slow, they can't be ar$ed with their customers, or they fail to deliver completely...

    ...will my Dad's new rear wheel ever arrive?

    I'd planned to upgrade my own Brompton with stuff from Kinetics, but I'd probably be too old to ever ride it by the time they'd finished working on it. Go elsewhere is my advice.
  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    I ordered some bar ends for my brompton from him. had to keep phoning him to chase them up as he kept forgetting to post them.

    I get the impression he's a cycling / brompton nut (check out some of his "modifications" to the brompton like fitting a rohloff) very busy and really should be employing someone as he's struggling to cope with his workload.
    Bianchi Infinito CV
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Ultegra
    Brompton S Type
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate Ltd
    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • Hi

    All I can say is that I could never recommend Kinetics. My story is as follows.

    I bought an expensive and rather lovely Koga electric bike from Kinetics. The battery stopped charging so I sent it back to be mended. Over 2 YEARS later and many phone calls emails and general hassle Ben eventually puts in a new battery at a cost of £600. It takes me a couple of months to pick up as I live in Edinburgh. He threatens to sell my bike. I pick it up and within weeks the battery is no longer charging. I cannot face dealing with such a decietful person again. He has this whole "wouldnt hurt a fly, I am a small shop up against the big boys" shop but quite frankly he tells you one thing and it just doesn t happen - for years in my case.

    We are fortunate to have other excellent bike shops who I will be spending my cash with next time.
  • Hi Josie, sorry to hear about your problems.

    We were 'lucky' and cancelled our (very slow) order with Kinetics, and I, and my dad, have taken our business elsewhere.

    ....hopefully, people will read this and avoid Kinetics in Glasgow, as they (he?) appears to offer terrible customer service.

    Very disppointed as his website appears to show a keen interest in the world of esoteric bikes, but, inreality, he's just a crap, selfish businessman....
  • Supergoose
    Supergoose Posts: 1,089
    I live literally just road the road from this shop.

    He has a sign on the door that says 'We do not repair normal bikes'

    I did have, on occasion to pop in asking for inner cables, or ferrules or brake blocks, consumables or some such for a build, you get the idea. Only to be told that no 'I cant help, sorry' I was genuinely interested in some of the bikes he has. I did try to engage him in a bit of chat (no homo) but it was clear I didn't fit his customer criteria. I was ushered out.

    It is very much a one man band and I don't like his tune.

    Its clear that his shop is for the niche within a niche, recumbent and alternative cycles.

    Im glad your not spending your money there, because Im petty like that.
    Rock 'n' Roule