Around the Dales - Sat April 30

So who was cycling out in the Dales yesterday there seemed to be loads of others out and about…?

I cycled from Leeds to Ribblehead/Chapel-le Dale via Burnsall/Cracoe/Malham/Settle to support my bro on his 3 peaks fell run. And in spite of the sun it was one of the windiest days I’ve had on the bike – and by some quirk of the weather gods it was equally difficult in both directions.

On my outward morning route there were several big groups of cyclists of all types, on the back lane (Thorp Lane) between Cracoe and Burnsall, going towards Burnsall.

Then I saw a big chain gang on that short bit of main road you do past the Devonshire Arms. Then further on the top road between Settle and Malham there were another big set of groups who were enjoying that grovel from Settle to Malham.

Finally when I got to 3 peaks land there were loads of other cyclists buzzing around supporting the runners.

On the way back there were even more touring groups tackling the struggle up out of Settle – apologies to those I overtook – my bottom bracket was creaking rather chronically but I never let that hill defeat me.

A much needed stop at the Devonshire Arms in Cracoe for a pint of coca cola just about kept me going and I made it back to Leeds for 7.30 following an 111 mile day. Not the most miles I’ve done ever in a day, but certainly considering the wind, the most difficult.

Anyhow were other folk out in that part of the Dales – and if so was there some cycling event on or were you all doing (the very well way-marked) Way of the Roses??