Can I just have a new bike please? Rant

dirty*sanchez Posts: 258
edited April 2011 in Road buying advice
Four weeks ago I took a day off work and drove over 3 hours to a dealer in order to ensure I got the bike I wanted (an Orbea), in the right size and fit for me.
The service I got whilst there was great and by the time I left I knew I was going to get the right bike for me.
The downside was that delivery would be 3/4 weeks, but given that I was getting the bike I wanted I paid the required deposit and left.
Two weeks later I rang the dealer and was told all was still on for late April.
Last week I rang for an update to be told that they didn't know when they were going to get the bike and they wouldn't have an update until the end of April, oh and even then, it could be a question of "within the next few days" or "6/8 weeks!"
I then suggested perhaps we should think about a contingency and perhaps an alternative. Leave it with me and I'll call you back they said. Well, not a blooming dicky bird since!
Annoyed and having decided that I will just get my deposit back, I started looking round for alternatives and decide on a Specialized Roubaix.
So last Friday I made my way to a well known all singing all dancing cycle shop who have connections to a Specialized Concept Store. They tell me they have two in stock and that I can collect within 7 days which is the earliest they can PDI the bike.
So, I pay a deposit and walk away convinced I've done the right thing. On Tuesday I call to make sure all is good for collection this coming Saturday. Guess what? My bike was sold to someone else and they have no more in stock and there are no more in my size in the country!
Now I'm really p*ssed off, so I call my local bike shop this morning who happens to supplies Specialized and they don't have a Roubaix in stock (nightmare) but can get me one by 3pm this afternoon!
"Yeah ok, whats the catch?" "Presume you need a deposit?" No catch. No deposit needed.
On my way home I drop into the shop and the bike is in the process of being PDI'ed ready for me to collect.

So, is this usual or have I just been very unlucky? This is only the second road bike I've ever purchased but I can't believe the level of incompetence,poor customer service and inexcusable lack of communication.
I for one, will always buy from my local bike shop from now on and regret being sucked into the "bigger/flashier is better" syndrome.
Specialized Pitch MTB
ROUBAIX di2 2015
Brompton Black edition 2016


  • I have come across the same problem, one bike returned as it was faulty and a returned deposit when a shop soiled bike was presented to me as a box fresh one. Would probably have bought the bike if the shop had been honest with me and said that they could only source display models. Beginning to think that I should just make do with what I have. :(
  • tobermory
    tobermory Posts: 138
    You don;t surprise me to be honest i only buy from my local dealer i prefer to use them as i find better service and a better attitude plus i don't want to see big companies drive competition out
    Never trust anyone who says trust me