Kirroughtree and Dalbeattie - what bike?

Mancunianfightingcat Posts: 2,054
edited April 2011 in Routes
I'm off up to Scotland next weekend to ride Ae, Kirroughtree and Dalbeattie and can't decide which bike to take. The choices are Orange Five(08) or Orange Blood.

I know the blood will be more fun on the downs, but I'm worried the slacker head angle and extra 5lbs will make the climbs hard work.

I've ridden Dalbeattie and Kirroughtree once before on the Five but can't remember any of the climbs or if the twisty bits are very tight!
Can anyone advice me how tight and twisty they are please?

(I know the Blood will be better at Ae.)


  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    More fun is always best. Suffering a bit just makes you fitter
  • Davy-g
    Davy-g Posts: 401
    The black at Kirrie is 22 miles long.. take the five to both Kirrie and Dalbeattie.. you have "Heartbreak Hill" and the "Double Dunt" @ Kirrie which are leg/lung busting, I have done both Dalbeattie and Kirrie on my Meta 5 and my 2008 Giant Reign X0..
    Loads of fireroad at dalbeattie, trails are not that tight nor twisty to worry about... 8) 8)
  • Heartbreak Hill at Ktree is a beast on any bike but the 5 will love the singletrack that follows it!