MTV avg speed



  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    And what more motivation do you need to give up than that?! Put the money you would've used to buy fags into a 'bike account' too, you'll have a full XX carbon wonder bike before long!
  • john74
    john74 Posts: 254
    yep. i'm going to treat myself to a zesty at Christmas.
    2010 Forme Reve
    2010 Giant Talon 1
  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    Don't want to get into a whole new subject, but smoking is one of those things that I wish I'd never done, but stopping has been so rewarding...if that makes sense. Smoking is one of those things that you will stop only if you really want to, but the more that you can see the benefits, the more you will want to refrain.

    Like Njee says, imagine what you can use the money for in lieu of cigarettes. :D
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • Gwaredd
    Gwaredd Posts: 251
    I wish I smoked, then I could stop & give up & buy myself a new bike too :cry:

    It's not fair on us non smokers!
  • badly_dubbed
    badly_dubbed Posts: 1,350
    Non xc boys can climb too!

    Danny Macaskill was in my race at SXC aberfoyle yesterday and placed 2nd I was 4behind in 6th....not bad for a guy that flips wheelie bins and trees!
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    If you use a gps with HR and cadence etc, then you can record a trail and then compare run to run, but even two runs of the same course can be completely different due to weather. For example, a slightly damp trail will be better than a really dry trail or a muddy trail.

    The only guide I really use on a ride is avg HR as this is a constant of my input effort. For a training ride of 32 miles I would try to keep my avg at 145+ (age 40), but ideally in the 155-165 range as much as possible with the avg only coming down for gate openning and dh sections.

    I would say 11mph is pretty good on a 32 mile run, what was the total altitude climb? - it does depend on the trail and the defn of hills. Obviously flinty hard gravely trails are harder than hard pack mud.

    Annoyingly I ride with a guy who trains less than me and smokes and can easily keep up with me on anything less than 25 miles. He is lighter than me and I do have 10 years on him. I think my addition to Goucho's steak is probably worse than his smoking :D
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Danny Macaskill was in my race at SXC aberfoyle yesterday and placed 2nd I was 4behind in 6th....not bad for a guy that flips wheelie bins and trees!

    What a ridiculous difference between sport and expert, it's one lap different down here! Considering I doubt he lost any time on the descents he was still significantly slower than the quickest guys. Considering he's a full time rider, you may expect him to do better...

    I know people who've ridden with Steve Peat, and say that he freely admitted he wasn't good at climbing, and apparently really was nowhere on the climbs! Why would he be, I imagine he can sprint!
  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    A couple of guys I know are pretty friendly with Peaty and through this I have had the opportunity on a couple of occasions to ride with them all when Peaty has been there, both locally where we live and at Dalby.

    He's no XC guy, Njee, which we all know, but I have seen him go up hills at a speed which is impressive for a big DH guy. Sure, a good XC rider will leave him behind on the climbs, but he'd leave a good XC rider on the descents, which again would be understandable.

    It's like the argument regarding a good MMA fighter vs a good boxer - MMA rules would benefit the MMA fighter. Boxing rules would benefit the boxer. Two different disciplines that can't really be compared.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Aye, of course it's all relative, my point was about that, I'm sure he can sprint incredibly well, but as his discipline doesn't require riding uphill there's little point being great at it!

    Similarly, whilst Danny Macaskill is a sensational trials rider he's not a stand out xc racer, unsurprisingly!

    Not sure how we got onto this from average speeds, but Peaty's will be the highest in a race, so perhaps he's best :-)
  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    Not sure how we got onto this from average speeds

    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super