Foot pain + cleat position

markwb79 Posts: 937
edited April 2011 in Workshop
I am having some slight pain in the outside of my right foot when pedalling. I am not sure what is causing it though, any ideas please?

Also, I would like to check that I have my cleats/shoes set up in the best way. At the moment I think that it is not perfectly balanced, and that my heel is slightly down all the time, is this wrong, or right?!

Scott Addict 2011
Giant TCR 2012


  • u05harrisb
    u05harrisb Posts: 531
    best thing to do would be to sit off the edge of a table and see what way your feet naturally point i.e. outwards a little (like mine) and then you should change the cleat position slightly so that it angles favoring the foot angle that you saw on the table. you should also make sure that the cleat is forwards and backwards enough, it should be that the axel of the pedal in under the ball of your foot-however somtimes people prefure it little forward or back and that depends apon your style. also check that your saddle height is okay, rule of thumb is that with you heel on the pedal your leg should be nearly straight, therefore when your clipped in you should have a slight bend in your foot, this then stops you straining things. now check the forward and backward on the saddle, it should be that when the feet are horisontal that the front of your kneecap is directally above the axel of the pedal. once again this can move a little depending on yourself. if all of this fails then mabye try a set of inserts in your shoes, it believe it has helped many people on the forum. or could just be that your shoes are too tight. but give it all a go anyway but bare in mind that you should only change a little at a time then ride on it for a bit then change a bit more/back to original etc. note where everything was before adjustments just incase your setup wasnt great.

    hope that helps
  • outside of the right foot. Does it feel as if your foot is rolling out and over on the downstroke ? could be over extension/ tight hamstrings. try dropping the saddle a couple of mm's, even if you think the height is right according to the above rule of thumb
    Shoes too tight
    fair chance this isn't cleat related - if you have set them up with a bit of knowledge.
  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    Most people have asymmetrical cleat position.

    Heels being 'down' have nothing to do with the cleat itself.

    As mentioned above, check foot alignment, try different insoles.

    I had similar problems in my left foot, i now use spesh BG insoles for flat feet and have increased my cadence. the cadence having the greater impact on foot pain.
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