hardcore hardtail

edited April 2011 in MTB buying advice
I thought i had my mind set on a 456 frame but now i'm not to sure. A few other frames have now caught my eye e.g santa cruz chameleon, cotic bfe, bluepig, dialled alpine. I wanted to know your thoughts on all of these and how and if they are any better than the 456. The bike must be able to take 150mm forks and be able to do a bit off everything and be pritty bombproof. Budget is 300 max so some of the frames listed would be 2nd hand buys. Cheers.


  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    I have got a 456 Summer Season with 160mm forks & it's awesome fun. I mainly do downhill with mine so it's pretty tough, it's not bad as an xc bike though a little heavy & it was very cheap. If I had the cash I would buy the Cotic BFe.
  • Frodo1095
    Frodo1095 Posts: 252
    Riding a chameleon at the moment (see link in sig), running it 1x9 it is going to be my winter bike and I must say I am loving it. Running a 140mm fork up front and it hasnt missed a beat yet.
    Rear end is very stiff but you always know what it is doing and where it is going.

    Would really recommend it as a hardtail do it all bike.

    Havent ridden any of the others so I have no comparsion.
  • coomber
    coomber Posts: 232
    Consider the saracen zens as ready out of the box - good reviews in WMB - search Bike Radar for full review.
  • struck
    struck Posts: 320
    Looked at Curtis or Identiti frames?
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    Curtis aren't as good as they used to be and very expensive. When I looked at the Identiti Dr Jekyl frame I found lots of cases of snapped frames reported on the net.
    DMR trail star is pretty good as well, very tough. I know someone who has used a trailstar frame for downhill & freeride for nearly 10 years without any trouble.
  • specialeyes
    specialeyes Posts: 542
    The Identiti AKA probably falls into that bracket too. Not seen any reviews yet as its fairly new but I think STW have a review coming soon. It's a frame I'm keeping a close eye on along with all the others you listed. Also reduced @ crc.
  • struck
    struck Posts: 320
    my dr jekyll is stilll going strong after 6 years of street, trials and jumping abuse. I reckon you could find a pic of any frame snapped, its not a good measure to go by as you dont know how it broke or if they set it up right, or if it was done deliberately (it has been done) Curtis make awesome frames, custom built T45 tubing frames if you can afford it but the cheaper mx24 is also good.. very strong, good geometry. Some good frames mentioned, cant go wrong with DMR either, they got really good customer service too