'Longer' bar tape

markshaw77 Posts: 437
edited April 2011 in Road buying advice
I recently got a set of 3T biomorphe bars which have a pretty unusual shape including quite a long return on the drops.

I really like them and they are very comfortable, but as well as being an absolute pig to wrap (given all the humps and cutouts), the extra length means my normal roll of bar tape came up short across the tops.

Is there a standard length for a roll of bar tape? Do some manufacturers come up longer than others? Can you buy industrial-size rolls?

Basically I am looking for some white, comfortable, reasonably hard wearing tape that comes in a longer length - any ideas?


  • Specialized tape seems much longer than other manufacturers.
    -- "I am but a spoke in the wheel of life" -- Ghandi
  • Pro is quite stretchy and fairly long
  • ajb72
    ajb72 Posts: 1,178
    I read somewhere that the Lizard Skins tape was above average length. It's unusual looking stuff though, well cushioned and grippy etc.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I used White Fizik Microtex tape on the same bars, no problem...
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!