Independant today rallies to cycling

BarryBonds Posts: 344
edited April 2011 in The bottom bracket ... 68135.html

an anti dote to the daily Mail

what do you think?


  • AndyF16
    AndyF16 Posts: 506
    As an avid cyclist but also former haulier, I can see that the industry, undeniably hard pressed at present with fuel prices etc, will kick hard against such legislation

    There is an element in this of needing to educate both sides, in most cases, if cyclists didn't put themselves in a position at junctions, tragedy could be avoided
    2011 Bianchi D2 Cavaria in celeste (of course!)
    2011 Enigma Echo 57cm in naked Ti
    2009 Orange G2 19" in, erm orange
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    AndyF16 wrote:
    There is an element in this of needing to educate both sides, in most cases, if cyclists didn't put themselves in a position at junctions, tragedy could be avoided
    Agreed !!!

    If a truck / bus / whatever driver passes a cyclist and turns left across the cyclist, then blind spots or cab fixtures shouldn't be an excuse. You would assume that having pulled out to pass the cyclist, they are aware of the cyclist's presence.

    That said, if a cyclist is stupid enough to squeeze up the inside of a stationary vehicle at the lights, whether it is indicating or not, putting themselves in potential danger, then I don't have a great deal of sympathy for them.

    Education on both sides is needed.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Cracking article.

    I said before and I'll say it again.

    The problem is most of these HGV are driven by complete knuckle draggers with total disregard for human life and have no thought of the consequences of their actions.

    These people need proper education that they are driving something that will easily kill or maim if driven like an idiot. If they then cause the death or injury of someone and found guilty then the book should be thrown at them.
  • Paulie W
    Paulie W Posts: 1,492
    MattC59 wrote:
    That said, if a cyclist is stupid enough to squeeze up the inside of a stationary vehicle at the lights, whether it is indicating or not, putting themselves in potential danger, then I don't have a great deal of sympathy for them.

    Isnt part of the problem that the cycling infrastructure often encourages people to go up the inside at lights; it encourages cyclists to undertake to try and get into the ASL.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    I don't think it's fair to characterise HGV drivers as knuckly draggers - the two I know are far from that - I can't speak for the rest.

    I find HGV drivers are normally (there are exceptions) more aware of the size of their vehicles than bus drivers - I'm guessing the training for HGVs is more difficult or maybe HGV drivers tend to be more experienced - I don't know.

    In cases where a cyclist has ridden up the inside of the HGV at lights surely an educational campaign could cut out many deaths like the Think Bike stuff we see - along with getting rid of cycle lanes which encourage you to ride up the inside. Disagree with Matt about lacking sympathy for them or those cyclists being stupid though - it's just lack of awareness or ignorance - it's easy as an experienced cyclist to forget we have a level of expertise that can't be expected of everyone. I remember when I got back on bikes I had a number of near misses which, while not my fault, I don't tend to have now because I know how to ride to take account of the occasional idiot or incompetent in a car.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    I am really starting to think their is a major witch hunt with truck drivers which is so exagerated now. I see my fair share of them and I rarley have any bad expirences with them.

    I have far more bad/annoying expirences with other cyclists! Only yesterday I got rear ended by one because he assumed I was going to jump the lights like he was. I came so close to wanting to smack him in the mouth for whining at me for not jumping the lights!

    a day before saw someone get pulled over by police for jumping the lights at the same juction in shoreditch. oh how I smiled :P
  • BarryBonds
    BarryBonds Posts: 344
    i think its a far more positive article than assuming the starting point that cyclists are a menace that should be dealt with. Its alkso on the front page.

    a step forward i think

    I suspect that if cycling remains as popular as it currently is let alone continues to grow at its current rate then ther will be quite a lot of give and take on all sides before a working equilibrium is found
  • It's a greater shame that the independent isn't reaching the daily heil and the sun readerships.

    I fear that this is preaching to the converted rather than spreading the message to those who need it most.
    What wheels...?!
  • BarryBonds
    BarryBonds Posts: 344
    Papers sell its what they do If the perception is that its advantageous to run storys for or against any particular issue they will. Mainstream media in particular are sensitive to this and since the positive side to the cycling story is growing and more and more people are riding to school or work or for leisure the time will come when the approach starts to shift.

    Van drivers car drivers and all drivers could start cycling or have friends or family or children that cycle its only a matter of time then there will be other easy targets to stir up rage. But its good to see such a high profile step in the right direction from the independant.
  • Good article - There is a lot more to this sort of education than is initally apparent I think - and it goes a lot further than nearside blind spots
    For instance - out in the country where I am we have a fair few HGV depots. heading into town I am often riding with/near HGV's within 30mphs zones mutual respect and awareness "seems" prevalent. With space given and not too many problems.

    However on our nearby dual carriageways HGV's seemingly often pass giving the same room as they would in a 30mph zone. In situations like this unlike in town there is minmal reaction time available to the cyclist and on every occassion such as this the HGV leaves a huge draught. Seemingly they would also prefer to utilise forward momentum and squeeze a cyclist rather than move into the second lane when there is a gap.

    A couple of years ago I was on the hard shoulder changing a wheel. The proximity of an HGV was enough to blow my warning triangle 20 feet into bushes ! - and he didn't bother moving into the outside lane.

    Similarly <7.5 tonne flat backs and buses round here tend to give cyclists as much room as they would a stationary cars' offside wing mirror,

    Also what is it about those blue bike signs that suggest you cut acoss a joining 60mph slip road to remain in the gutter...
    (sorry - didn't mean to become rant like, )
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Isn't the independent the least read broadsheet?
  • BarryBonds
    BarryBonds Posts: 344
    ah rick positive as ever,
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    A good article and not at all what I was expecting from seeing the front page preview yesterday. I feared the AA esque wear helmets & hi viz and take responsibility off dangerous driving approach.

    Good on the independent

    Cheery Rick lets all take a copy to work or leave it on a bus, tube etc and help it circulate. There are ways of spreading the word, you don't have to be so passive or down on the paper.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    A good article and not at all what I was expecting from seeing the front page preview yesterday. I feared the AA esque wear helmets & hi viz and take responsibility off dangerous driving approach.

    Good on the independent

    Cheery Rick lets all take a copy to work or leave it on a bus, tube etc and help it circulate. There are ways of spreading the word, you don't have to be so passive or down on the paper.

    Ja possibly.

    You wonder why the paper isn't popular. Is it because they publish articles like this...?
  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    You wonder why the paper isn't popular. Is it because they publish articles like this...?

    I think it's down to two things:

    1) They don't have soft porn.
    2) They don't hold a die-hard partisan politial line
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.